


This function checks the current error state and updates the object directory. The EMCY message is transmitted, if the error is detected for the first time. The given manufacturer specific fields are optional, e.g. the pointer may be 0 to set all manufacturer specific values to 0.


void COEmcySet(CO_EMCY *emcy, CPU_INT08U err, CO_EMCY_USR *usr);

emcypointer to the EMCY object
errEMCY error identifier in User EMCY table
usrmanufacturer specific fields in EMCY history and/or EMCY message

Returned Value


Additional Information

This function can be removed from the CANopen device by disabling the emergency support with the configuration CO_EMCY.N.


The following example demonstrates the detection of an emergency event APP.EMCY_2 within the application of the CANopen node AppNode. The specific user information data for this event is: 0x1234567890.

    CO_EMCY_USR usr;
    usr.Emcy[0] = 0x12;
    usr.Emcy[1] = 0x34;
    usr.Emcy[2] = 0x56;
    usr.Emcy[3] = 0x78;
    usr.Emcy[4] = 0x90;
    COEmcySet (&(AppNode.Emcy), APP_EMCY_2, &usr);

Note: The specific user information data field is optional. If not used, the last parameter during calling COEmcySet() can be 0 (zero). The emergency identifier APP_EMCY.2 must be defined within the application specific configuration. See CANopen Config Manual for details.

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