


This function returns the current EMCY error status.


CPU_INT16S COEmcyGet(CO_EMCY *emcy, CPU_INT08U err);

emcypointer to the EMCY object
errEMCY error identifier in User EMCY table

Returned Value

=0     the error is not detected

=1     the error was detected before

<0     an error is detected inside of this function

Additional Information

This function can be removed from the CANopen device by disabling the emergency support with the configuration CO_EMCY.N.


The following example reads the current status of a possible detected emergency event APP_EMCY.2 within the application of the CANopen node AppNode.

    CPU_INT16S warning;
    warning = COEmcyGet (&(AppNode.Emcy), APP_EMCY_2);
    if (warning < 0) {
        /* error handling */
    } else {
        /* warning holds current emergency status */

Note: The emergency identifier APP_EMCY.2 must be defined within the application specific configuration. See CANopen Config Manual for details.

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