TPDO Event
TPDO Event
This section describes the API functions of the CANopen transmit PDO module. These functions are implemented within the source file: co_tpdo.c/h
The class CO.TPDO
is defined within co_tpdo.h
and is responsible for the CANopen transmit process data objects (TPDOs). The following data members are in this class:
Data Member | Type | Description |
Node | CO_NODE * | Reference to parent CANopen node |
Identifier | CPU_INT32U | CAN Message Identifier |
Map[] | CO_OBJ * | Pointer list with mapped object entries |
EvTmr | CPU_INT16S | Event timer identifier |
Event | CPU_INT16U | Event time in timer ticks |
InTmr | CPU_INT16S | Inhibit timer identifier |
Inhibit | CPU_INT16U | Inihibit time in timer ticks |
Flags | CPU_INT08U | Transmit status flags |
ObjNum | CPU_INt08U | Number of mapped object entries |
Note: The data within this structure must never be manipulated without the corresponding class member functions. This can lead to unpredictable behavior of the CANopen node.
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