Object Directory

Object Directory

This section describes the API functions of the CANopen object directory module. These functions are implemented within the source file: co_dir.c/h

The class CO.DIR is defined within co_dir.h and is responsible for the object directory handling functions. The following data members are in this class:

Data MemberTypeDescription
NodeCO_NODE *Reference to parent CANopen node
RootCO_OBJ *Reference to first object of object directory
NumCPU_INT16UCurrent number of objects in directory
MaxCPU_INT16UMaximum number of objects in directory

Note: The data within this structure must never be manipulated without the corresponding class member functions. This can lead to unpredictable behavior of the CANopen node.

Attention: The access with the member functions of this class to an object entry must be done with the correct width. There is no casting of the object entry values to the requested value types.