


This function updates the timer states. The function is used to generate a periodic time base and must be called cyclic.


CPU_INT16S COTmrService(CO_TMR *tmr);

tmrPointer to timer structure

Returned Value

=0     no timer is elapsed

>0     at least one timer is elapsed

<0     an error is detected


The following interrupt service function generates the time base for the CANopen timed actions with periodic calls of the function COTmrService(). When using a RTOS, the return value may be used to decide of triggering a separate timer task to process the elapsed events.

void HardwareTimerISR (void)
    CPU_INT16S num;
    num = COTmrService(&AppNode.Tmr);
    if (num > 0) {
        /* post an event to the timer processing task */

Note: The configuration setting CO_TMR_TICKS_PER.SEC is assumed to be 1000, e.g. 1 tick is equal to 1ms. Therefore the hardware timer must be setup to generate an interrupt every 1ms. See CANopen Config Manual for details.

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