MB_WrEnSet() - Modbus-S

MB_WrEnSet() - Modbus-S

This function allows you to enable or disable writes to parameters in your product. In other words, this allows channels to act as read-only channels. You would typically not need to use this function because the channel read/write privilege would have been set in MB_CfgCh().

void  MB_WrEnSet (MODBUS_CH  *pch,
                  CPU_INT08U  wr_en)



is a pointer to the channel (returned by MB_CfgCh()). This pointer specifies onto which channel the Modbus master will be communicating on. This channel must have been configured as a Modbus slave.


wr_en determines whether writes are enabled or not. You must pass either: MODBUS_WR_EN or MODBUS_WR_DIS.

Returned Value


Notes / Warnings


Called By

Your Modbus master or slave application.

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