Directories and Files

Directories and Files

The code for µC/Modbus is found in the following directories.

Target Independent Source Code


This directory contains the UART, OS and CPU independent source files. This directory contains the following files:

mb.c          Master/Slave independent code
mb_def.h      Modbus Definitions
mb_util.c     ASCII convertions utilities
mbs_core.c Slave specific code
mbm_core.c Master specific code

RTOS Interface



These directories contains the code to interface to the µC/OS-II and µC/OS-III RTOSs and contains the following file:

mb_os.c (See RTOS Interface)

If you interface µC/Modbus to different RTOSs, you would place an mb_os.c file in a separate directory. In other words, all RTOS interface files should be called mb_os.c but the specifics of the actual RTOS you use would be placed in a different directory. When you build your product, you obviously need to select only one RTOS interface – the one specific to your RTOS.


This directory contains the code to use µC/Modbus-S in a single threaded environment without the need of an RTOS.

mb_os.c (See No-OS Interface)

mb_os.h (See  No-OS Interface)

Product Specific Files


This directory contains your application code. You need to provide the following files:

mb_cfg.h (See Configuring µC/Modbus)

mb_data.c (See µC/Modbus-S, Accessing Application Data)

mb_bsp.c (See Board Support Package (BSP))

CPU and Compiler Specific Files


This directory contains information about your CPU and the compiler you are using. There are three files that you need to specify:



It’s preferable to ‘modify’ existing files than create new ones from scratch so that you don’t forget anything. An example of these files is provided with µC/Modbus.


This file defines CPU/compiler specific data types. The code below shows an example of the data types needed by µC/Modbus for an ARM CPU and the IAR Embedded Workbench compiler.

typedef  void      CPU_VOID;
typedef  unsigned  char      CPU_CHAR;
typedef  unsigned  char      CPU_BOOLEAN;
typedef  unsigned  char      CPU_INT08U;
typedef    signed  char      CPU_INT08S;
typedef  unsigned  short     CPU_INT16U;
typedef    signed  short     CPU_INT16S;
typedef  unsigned  int       CPU_INT32U;
typedef    signed  int       CPU_INT32S;
typedef  float     CPU_FP32;
typedef  double    CPU_FP64;
typedef  void    (*CPU_FNCT_PTR)(void

You also need to specify the type of ‘alignment’ to use as well as the ‘endianness’ of the processor:



You also need to define code to disable and enable interrupts. In fact, the code to disable interrupts should ‘save’ the state of the interrupt enable setting and then disable interrupts. This is done by an assembly language function called CPU_SR_Save(). The code to re-enable interrupts should simply restore the state saved by CPU_SR_Save(). This would be done by a function called CPU_SR_Restore(). The state of the interrupt enable setting is stored in a local variable of type CPU_SR as shown below.

typedef  CPU_INT32U  CPU_SR;

#define  CPU_CRITICAL_ENTER()    {cpu_sr = CPU_SR_Save();} 
#define  CPU_CRITICAL_EXIT()     {CPU_SR_Restore(cpu_sr);}

You should note that µC/Modbus actually uses CPU_CRITICAL_ENTER() and CPU_CRITICAL_EXIT() to disable and re-enable interrupts, respectively.


This file contains the code for CPU_SR_Save() and CPU_SR_Restore(). This code is typically written in assembly language since it generally accesses CPU registers which are not typically accessible from C. However, if your compiler allows you to manipulate CPU registers in C, you would implement CPU_SR_Save() and CPU_SR_Restore() directly in C and call this file cpu.c instead of cpu_a.asm.

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