MBM_FC06_HoldingRegWr() - Modbus-M

MBM_FC06_HoldingRegWr() - Modbus-M

This function is called from YOUR application code to write to a single 16-bit holding registers on a Modbus slave.


CPU_INT16U  MBM_FC06_HoldingRegWr (MODBUS_CH  *pch, 
                                   CPU_INT08U  slave_node,
                                   CPU_INT16U  slave_addr,
                                   CPU_INT16U  reg_val);



is a pointer to the channel (returned by MB_CfgCh()). This pointer specifies onto which channel the Modbus master will be communicating on. Of course, ‘pch’ must have been configured as a Master when you configured the channel.


specifies the slave ‘node address’ of the holding register you want to change. This can be a number between 1 and 255 but needs to match the number assigned to the slave node.


specifies the address of the holding register that you want to change. This can be from 0 to 65535.


is the desired value of the holding register. If the holding register you are changing is a signed value, simply cast the value to unsigned. Modbus reads and writes 16-bit values and doesn’t really care about the sign.

Returned Value


if the call was successful.


if a response was not received from the slave within the timeout specified for this channel (see MB_CfgCh()).


If the transmitted slave address doesn't correspond to the received slave address


If the transmitted function code doesn't correspond to the received function code


If the expected number of bytes to receive doesn't correspond to the number of bytes received.

Notes / Warnings


Called By

Your Modbus master application.

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