80x86 Port with Emulated FP Support

80x86 Port with Emulated FP Support

Real Mode, Large Model with Emulated Floating-Point Support

This chapter describes how µC/OS-II has been ported to the Intel 80x86 series of processors running in real mode, large model for the Borland C++ V4.51 tools. This port assumes that your application will not be doing any floating-point math or, if it does, it will use the Borland Floating-Point Emulation library. In other words, I assumed that you would use this port with embedded 80186, 80286, 80386 or even ‘plain’ 8086 class processors which rely only on integer math. This port can also be adapted (i.e., changed) to run ‘plain’ 8086 processors but requires that you replace the use of the PUSHA instruction with the proper number of PUSH instructions.

The Intel 80x86 series includes the 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentiums™ (all models), Celeron as well most 80x86 processors from AMD, NEC (V-series), and others. Literally millions of 80x86 CPUs are sold each year. Most of these end up in desktop computers, but a growing number of processors are making their way into embedded systems. 

Most C compilers that support 80x86 processors running in real mode offer different memory models, each suited for a different program and data size. Each model uses memory differently. The large model allows your application (code and data) to reside in a 1Mb memory space. Pointers in this model require 32 bits, although they only address up to 1Mb. The next section shows why a 32-bit pointer in this model can only address 20 bits worth of memory.

Figure 14.1 shows the programming model of an 80x86 processor running in real mode. All registers are 16 bits wide, and they all need to be saved during a context switch. As can be seen, there are no floating-point registers since these are emulated by the Borland compiler library using the integer registers.

Figure - Figure 14.1 80x86 real-mode register model

The 80x86 provides a clever mechanism to access up to 1Mb of memory with its 16-bit registers. Memory addressing relies on using a segment and an offset register. Physical address calculation is done by shifting a segment register by four (multiplying it by 16) and adding one of five other registers (BP, SP, SI, DI, or IP). The result is a 20-bit address that can access up to 1Mb. Figure 14.2 shows how the registers are combined. Each segment points to a block of 16 memory locations called a paragraph. A 16-bit segment register can point to any of 65,536 different paragraphs of 16 bytes and thus address 1,048,576 bytes. Because the offset is also 16 bits, a single segment of code cannot exceed 64Kb. In practice, however, programs are made up of many smaller segments.

Figure - Figure 14.2 Addressing with a segment and an offset

The code segment register (CS) points to the base of the program currently executing, the stack segment register (SS) points to the base of the stack, the data segment register (DS) points to the base of one data area, and the extra segment register (ES) points to the base of another area where data may be stored. Each time the CPU needs to generate a memory address, one of the segment registers is automatically chosen and its contents is added to an offset. It is common to find the segment-colon-offset notation in literature to reference a memory location. For example, 1000:00FF represents physical memory location 0x100FF.

Development Tools

I used the Borland C/C++ V4.51 compiler along with the Borland Turbo Assembler to port and test the 80x86 port. This compiler generates reentrant code and provides in-line assembly language instructions that can be inserted in C code. The compiler comes with a floating-point emulation library that simulates the floating-point hardware found on 80x86 processors equipped with floating-point hardware. Once compiled, the code is executed on a PC. I tested the code on a 300 MHz Pentium-II-based computer running the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system. In fact, I configured the compiler to generate a DOS executable which was run in a DOS window.

I thought of changing compilers because some readers have complained that they can’t find the Borland tools anymore which makes it harder to build the example code provided in this book. It turns out that a similar compiler and assembler that will compile the example code is in fact available from Borland for only $70 USD (circa 2002). Borland calls it the Turbo C++ Suite for DOS and you can order a copy by visiting the Borland web site at www.Borland.com and follow the links to this product.

You can also get professional 80x86 level tools from Paradigm (www.DevTools.com) that contains not only a Borland compatible compiler and assembler but also an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), a utility that will allow you to locate your code for deployement in embedded systems, a source level debugger and more. Paradigm calls their package the Paradigm C++ Professional Real.

Finally, you can also adapt the port provided in this chapter to other 80x86 compiler as long as they generate real-mode code. You will most likely have to change some of the compiler options and assembler directives if you use a different development environment.

Table 14.1 shows the Borland C/C++ compiler V4.51 options (i.e., flags) supplied on the command line. These settings were used to compile the port as well as the example code provided in Chapter 1.

Table - Table 14.1, Compiler options used to compile port and examples
Option (i.e., setting)Description
-1Generate 80186 code
-BCompile and call assembler
-cCompiler to .OBJ
-GSelect code for speed
-IPath to compiler include files is C:\BC45\INCLUDE
-k-Standard stack frame
-LPath to compiler libraries is C:\BC45\LIB
-mlLarge memory model
-N-Do not check for stack overflow
-n..\objPath where to place object files is ..\OBJ
-OOptimize jumps
-ObDead code elimination
-OeGlobal register allocation
-OgOptimize globally
-OiExpand common intrinsic functions inline
-OlLoop optimization
-OmInvariant code motion
-OpCopy propagation
-OvInduction variable
-vSource debugging ON
-viTurn inline expansion ON
-wproError reporting: call to functions with no prototype
-ZSuppress redundant loads

Table 14.2 shows the Borland Turbo Assembler V4.0 options (i.e., flags) supplied on the command line. These settings were used to assemble the port’s OS_CPU_A.ASM.

Table - Table 14.2, Assembler options used to assemble .ASM files
Option (i.e., setting)Description
/MXCase sensitive on globals
/ZIFull debug info
/OGenerate overlay code

Directories and Files

The installation program provided on the companion CD installs the port for the Intel 80x86 (real mode, large model) on your hard disk. The port is found under the \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\Ix86L\BC45  directory. The directory name stands for I ntel 80 x86 real mode, L arge model and is placed in the B orland C ++ V 4 . 5 x directory. The source code for the port is found in the following files: OS_CPU.H , OS_CPU_C.C , and OS_CPU_A.ASM .


INCLUDES.H is a master include file and is found at the top of all .C files. INCLUDES.H allows every .C file in your project to be written without concern about which header file is actually needed. The only drawbacks to having a master include file are that INCLUDES.H may include header files that are not pertinent to the actual .C file being compiled and the compilation process may take longer. These inconveniences are offset by code portability. You can edit INCLUDES.H to add your own header files, but your header files should be added at the end of the list. Listing 14.1 shows the contents of INCLUDES.H for the 80x86 port.

INCLUDES.H is not really part of the port but is described here because it is needed to compile the port files.

Listing - Listing 14.1 INCLUDES.H
#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <string.h>
#include    <ctype.h>
#include    <stdlib.h>
#include    <conio.h>
#include    <dos.h>
#include    <math.h>
#include    <setjmp.h>
#include    "os_cpu.h"
#include    "os_cfg.h"
#include    "ucos_ii.h"
#include    "pc.h"


OS_CPU.H contains processor- and implementation-specific #defines constants, macros, and typedefs. OS_CPU.H for the 80x86 port is shown in Listing 14.2.

OS_CPU_GLOBALS and OS_CPU_EXT allows us to declare global variables that are specific to this port (described later).

Listing - Listing 14.2
#define OS_CPU_EXT
#define OS_CPU_EXT  extern
typedef unsigned char  BOOLEAN;                  (1)
typedef unsigned char  INT8U;                    
typedef signed   char  INT8S;                    
typedef unsigned int   INT16U;                   
typedef signed   int   INT16S;                   
typedef unsigned long  INT32U;                   
typedef signed   long  INT32S;                   
typedef float          FP32;                     (2)
typedef double         FP64;                     
typedef unsigned int   OS_STK;                   (3)
typedef unsigned short OS_CPU_SR;                (4)
#define BYTE           INT8S                     (5)
#define UBYTE          INT8U                     
#define WORD           INT16S                    
#define UWORD          INT16U
#define LONG           INT32S
#define ULONG          INT32U

(1) If you were to consult the Borland compiler documentation, you would find that an int is 16 bits and a long is 32 bits.

(2) Floating-point data types are included even though µC/OS-II doesn’t make use of floating-point numbers.

(3) A stack entry for the 80x86 processor running in real mode is 16 bits wide; thus, OS_STK is declared accordingly. All task stacks must be declared using OS_STK as its data type.

(4) The status register (also called the processor flags) on the 80x86 processor running in real mode is 16 bits wide. The OS_CPU_SR data type is used only if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD is set to 3 which it isn’t for this port. I included the OS_CPU_SR data type anyway, in case you use a different compiler and need to used OS_CRITICAL_METHOD #3.

(5) I also included data types to allow for backward compatibility with older µC/OS V1.xx applications. These are not necessary if you don’t have any applications written with µC/OS V1.xx.


Listing - Listing 14.2
#define  OS_CRITICAL_METHOD    2                          (6)
#if      OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 1
#define  OS_ENTER_CRITICAL()  asm  CLI                    (7)
#define  OS_EXIT_CRITICAL()   asm  STI                    
#if      OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 2
#define  OS_ENTER_CRITICAL()  asm {PUSHF; CLI}            (8)
#define  OS_EXIT_CRITICAL()   asm  POPF                   
#if      OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3
#define  OS_ENTER_CRITICAL()  (cpu_sr = OSCPUSaveSR())    (9)
#define  OS_EXIT_CRITICAL()   (OSCPURestoreSR(cpu_sr))    
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3                              (10)
void       OSCPURestoreSR(OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr);

(6) µC/OS-II, as with all real-time kernels, needs to disable interrupts in order to access critical sections of code and re-enable interrupts when done. Because the Borland compiler supports in-line assembly language, it’s quite easy to specify the instructions to disable and enable interrupts. µC/OS-II defines two macros to disable and enable interrupts: OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() and OS_EXIT_CRITICAL(), respectively. I actually allow you to use one of three methods for disabling and enabling interrupts. For this port, the prefered one is method #2 because it’s directly supported by the compiler.


(7) The first and simplest way to implement these two macros is to invoke the processor instruction to disable interrupts (CLI) for OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() and the enable interrupts instruction (STI) for OS_EXIT_CRITICAL().


(8) The second way to implement OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() is to save the interrupt disable status onto the stack and then disable interrupts. This is accomplished on the 80x86 by executing the PUSHF instruction followed by the CLI instruction. OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() simply needs to execute a POPF instruction to restore the original contents of the processor’s SW register.


(9) The third way to implement OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() is to write a function that will save the status register of the CPU in a variable. OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() invokes another function to restore the status register from the variable. I didn’t include this code in the port but if you are familiar with assembly language, you should be able to write this easily.

(10) I recommend that you call the functions expected in OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() and OS_EXIT_CRITICAL(): OSCPUSaveSR() and OSCPURestoreSR(), respectively. You would declare the code for these two functions in OS_CPU_A.ASM.

OS_CPU.H, Stack Growth

Listing - Listing 14.2
#define  OS_STK_GROWTH        1                       (11)

(11) The stack on an 80x86 processor grows from high to low memory, which means that OS_STK_GROWTH must be set to 1.


Listing - Listing 14.2
#define  uCOS                 0x80                    (12)
#define  OS_TASK_SW()         asm  INT   uCOS         (13)

(13) To switch context, OS_TASK_SW() needs to simulate an interrupt. The 80x86 provides 256 software interrupts to accomplish this. The interrupt service routine (ISR) (also called the exception handler) must vector to the assembly language function OSCtxSw() (see OS_CPU_A.ASM). We thus need to ensure that the pointer at vector 0x80 points to OSCtxSw().

(12) I tested the code on a PC and I decided to use interrupt number 128 (0x80) because I found it to be available. Actually, the original PC used interrupts 0x80 through 0xF0 for the BASIC interpreter. Few if any PCs come with a BASIC interpreter built in anymore so it should be safe to use these vectors. Optionally, you can also use vectors 0x4B to 0x5B, 0x5D to 0x66, or 0x68 to 0x6F. If you use this port on an embedded processor such as the 80186, you will most likely not be as restricted in your choice of vectors.

OS_CPU.H, Tick Rate

The tick rate for an RTOS should generally be set between 10 and 100Hz. It is always preferable (but not necessary) to set the tick rate to a round number. Unfortunately, on the PC, the default tick rate is 18.20648Hz, which is not what I would call a nice round number. For this port, I decided to change the tick rate of the PC from the standard 18.20648Hz to 200Hz (i.e., 5ms between ticks). There are three reasons to do this:

  1. 200Hz happens to be almost exactly 11 times faster than 18.20648Hz. The port will need to “chain” into DOS once every 11 ticks. In DOS, the tick handler is responsible for some system maintenance that is expected to happen every 54.93ms.
  2. It’s useful to have a 5.00ms time resolution for time delays and timeouts. If you are running the example code on an 80386 PC, you may find the overhead of a 200Hz tick rate to be unacceptable. However, on todays fast Pentium class processors, a 200Hz tick rate is not likely to be a problem.
  3. Even if it’s possible to change the tick rate on a PC to be exactly 20 Hz or even 100 Hz, it would be difficult to chain into the DOS tick handler at exactly 18.20648Hz. That’s why I chose an exact multiple and thus, had to choose 200 Hz. Of course, I could also have used 22 as a multiple and would have obtained 400 Hz (2.5 ms). On a fast PC, you should have no problems running at this tick rate or even faster.

Listing - Listing 14.2
OS_CPU_EXT  INT8U  OSTickDOSCtr;                              (14)

L14.2(14) This statement declares an 8-bit variable (OSTickDOSCtr) that keeps track of the number of times the ticker is called. Every 11th time, the DOS tick handler is called .OSTickDOSCtr is used in OS_CPU_A.ASM and really only applies to a PC environment. You most likely would not use this scheme if you designed an embedded system around a non-PC architecture because you would set the tick rate to the proper value in the first place.

OS_CPU.H, Floating-Point Emulation

As previously mentionned, the Borland compiler provides a floating-point emulation library. However, this library is non-reentrant.

Listing - Listing 14.2
void       OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86(OS_STK **pptos, OS_STK **ppbos, INT32U *psize);      (15)

(15) A function has been added to allow you to ‘pre-condition’ the stack of a task in order to make the Borland library think it only has one task and thus, make the library reentrant. This function will be discussed in section 14.05.02.


A µC/OS-II port requires that you write ten fairly simple C functions:


µC/OS-II only requires OSTaskStkInit(). The other nine functions must be declared but don’t need to contain any code. In the case of this port, I did just that. The #define constant OS_CPU_HOOKS_EN (see OS_CFG.H) should be set to 1.


This function is called by OSTaskCreate() and OSTaskCreateExt() to initialize the stack frame of a task so that it looks as if an interrupt has just occurred and all processor registers were pushed onto it. Figure 14.3 shows what OSTaskStkInit() puts on the stack of the task being created. Note that the diagram doesn’t show the stack frame of the code calling OSTaskStkInit() but rather, the stack frame of the task being created.

Figure - Figure 14.3 Stack frame initialization with pdata passed on the stack

When you create a task, you pass the start address of the task ( task ), a pointer ( pdata ), the task’s top-of-stack ( ptos ), and the task’s priority (prio) to OSTaskCreate() or OSTaskCreateExt() . OSTaskCreateExt() requires additional arguments, but these are irrelevant in discussing OSTaskStkInit() . To properly initialize the stack frame, OSTaskStkInit() (Listing 14.3) requires only the first three arguments just mentioned (i.e., task , pdata , and ptos ).

Listing - Listing 14.3
OS_STK  *OSTaskStkInit (void  (*task)(void *pd), 
                        void   *pdata, 
                        OS_STK *ptos, 
                        INT16U  opt)
    INT16U *stk;
    opt    = opt;
    stk    = (INT16U *)ptos;                            (1)
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_SEG(pdata);                     (2)
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_OFF(pdata);
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_SEG(task);                      (3)
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_OFF(task);
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x0202;                            (4)
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_SEG(task);
    *stk-- = (INT16U)FP_OFF(task);
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0xAAAA;                            (5)
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0xCCCC;
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0xDDDD;
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0xBBBB;
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x0000;
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x1111;
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x2222;
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x3333;
    *stk-- = (INT16U)0x4444;
    *stk   = _DS;                                        (6)
    return ((OS_STK *)stk);                              (7)

(1) OSTaskStkInit() creates and initializes a local pointer to 16-bit elements because stack entries are 16 bits wide on the 80x86. Note that µC/OS-II requires that the pointer ptos points to an empty stack entry.

(2) The Borland C compiler passes the argument pdata on the stack instead of registers. Because of this, pdata is placed on the stack frame with the offset and segment in the order shown.

(3) The address of your task is placed on the stack next. In theory, this should be the return address of your task. However, in µC/OS-II, a task must never return, so what is placed here is not really critical.

(4) The status word (SW) along with the task address are placed on the stack to simulate the behavior of the processor in response to an interrupt. The SW register is initialized to 0x0202. This allows the task to have interrupts enabled when it starts. You can in fact start all your tasks with interrupts disabled by forcing SW to 0x0002 instead. There are no options in µC/OS-II to selectively enable interrupts upon startup for some tasks and disable interrupts upon task startup for others. In other words, either all tasks have interrupts disabled upon startup or all tasks have them disabled. You could, however, overcome this limitation by passing the desired interrupt startup state of a task by using pdata or the opt argument for task created with OSTaskCreateExt(). However, the latter is not currently implemented. If you chose to have interrupts disabled, each task needs to enable them when they execute. In this case, you also have to modify the code for OS_TaskIdle() and OS_TaskStat() to enable interrupts in those functions. If you don’t, your application will crash! I would thus recommend that you leave SW initialized to 0x0202 and have interrupts enabled when the task starts.

(5) The remaining registers are placed on the stack to simulate the PUSHA, PUSH ES, and PUSH DS instructions, which are assumed to be found at the beginning of every ISR. Note that the AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, SI, and DI registers are placed to satisfy the order of the PUSHA instruction. If you port this code to a ‘plain’ 8086 processor, you may want to simulate the PUSHA instruction or place the registers in a neater order. You should also note that each register has a unique value instead of all zeros. This can be useful for debugging.

(6) Also, the Borland compiler supports “pseudoregisters” (i.e., the _DS keyword notifies the compiler to obtain the value of the DS register), which in this case is used to copy the current value of the DS register to the simulated stack frame.

(7) Once completed, OSTaskStkInit() returns the address of the new top-of-stack. OSTaskCreate() or OSTaskCreateExt() takes this address and saves it in the task’s OS_TCB.


When floating-point emulation is enable (see the Borland documentation), the stack of the Borland compiled program is organized as shown in Figure 14.3. The compiler assumes that the application runs in a single threaded (i.e., tasking) environment.

Figure - Figure 14.5 Borland Floating-Point emulation stack

The Borland C Floating-Point Emulation (FPE) library assumes that about 300 bytes starting at SS:0x0000 are reserved to hold floating-point emulation variables. As far as I can tell, this applies to the ‘large memory model’ only. To accommodate this, a special function ( OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86() ) must be called prior to calling either OSTaskCreate() or OSTaskCreateExt() to properly initialize the stack frame of each task that needs to perform floating-point operations. This function applies to Borland V3.x and V4.5x compilers and thus, OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86() would most likely not be included in a port using a different compiler.

The floating-point emulation library stores its data within the reserved space in relation to the current SS register value, assuming that some space starting form SS up (from SS:0x0000 up) is reserved for floating point operations.

µCOS-II’s task stacks are generally allocated statically as shown below.

OS_STK Task1Stk[TASK_STK_SIZE]; /* stack table for task 1 */
OS_TSK Task2Stk[TASK_STK_SIZE]; /* stack table for task 2 */

When a task is created by µCOS-II the highest table address of the stack is pass to OSTaskCreate() (or OSTaskCreateExt()) as shown below:

OSTaskCreate(Task1, (void*)0, &Task1Stk[TASK_STK_SIZE-1], prio1);
OSTaskCreate(Task2, (void*)0, &Task2Stk[TASK_STK_SIZE-1], prio2);

The stack of Task1() starts at DS:&Task1Stk[TASK_STK_SIZE-1] while the stack of Task2() starts at DS:&Task2Stk[TASK_STK_SIZE-1]. Once initialized by µC/OS-II, the tasks top-of-stack (TOS) is saved in the task’s OS_TCB (Task Control Block).

The stack of the two tasks created from the previous code is shown in Figure 14.5. As can be seen, both tasks are part of the same segment and, more importantly, they share the same segment base since both stacks are allocated from the same data segment. When µC/OS-II loads a task during a context switch, it sets the SS register to the value of the DS register of the stack. This causes a problem since both tasks would have to share the same floating-point emulation variables!

Figure - Figure 14.5 Borland Floating-Point emulation stack

The beginning of the data segment is overwritten with the floating-point emulation library even when we use a semaphore. Protecting this resource with a semaphore would allow exclusive access to the floating-point variables but it does not protect the data segment from being overwriting. Even a single µCOS-II task using floating point overwrites the data segment! Further system behavior depends on what data are overwritten and typically data segment overwriting crashes the system.

A similar situation occurs when the stacks are allocated from the heap since we don’t know what part of memory is being overwritten. Typically, the heap is corrupted because the floating-point emulation library overwrites the header of the heap allocated block.

To fix this problem, the function OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86() shown in Listing 14.4 needs to be called prior to creating a task. This function basically ‘normalizes’ the stack so that every stack starts at SS:0x0000 and, the function reserves and properly initializes the floating-point emulation variables for the task being created.

Listing - Listing 14.4 OS_CPU_C.C, OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86()
void  OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86 (OS_STK **pptos,
                             OS_STK **ppbos,
                             INT32U  *psize)
    INT32U   lin_tos;
    INT32U   lin_bos;
    INT16U   seg;
    INT16U   off;
    INT32U   bytes;
    seg      = FP_SEG(*pptos);                           (1)
    off      = FP_OFF(*pptos);
    lin_tos  = ((INT32U)seg <<; 4) + (INT32U)off;        (2)
    bytes    = *psize * sizeof(OS_STK);                  (3)
    lin_bos  = (lin_tos - bytes + 15) & 0xFFFFFFF0L;     (4)
    seg      = (INT16U)(lin_bos >> 4);                   (5)
    *ppbos   = (OS_STK *)MK_FP(seg, 0x0000);             (6)
    memcpy(*ppbos, MK_FP(_SS, 0), 384);                  (7)
    bytes    = bytes - 16;                               (8)
    *pptos   = (OS_STK *)MK_FP(seg, (INT16U)bytes);      (9)
    *ppbos   = (OS_STK *)MK_FP(seg, 384);               (10)
    bytes    = bytes - 384;                             (11)
    *psize   = bytes / sizeof(OS_STK);                  (12)

(1) OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86() starts off by decomposing the TOS into its segment and offset components.

(2) We then convert the address of the TOS into a linear address. Remember that on the 80x86 (Real Mode), the segment is multiplied by 16 and added to the offset to form the actual memory address.

(3) We then determine the size of the stack (in number of bytes). Remember that with µC/OS-II, you must declare a stack using the OS_STK data type which may represent an 8-bit wide stack, a 16-bit wide stack or a 32-bit wide stack. For the Borland compiler, the stack width is 16 bits but it’s always better to use the C operator sizeof().

(4) The linear address for the BOS is then determined by subtracting the number of bytes allocated to the stack from the TOS address. You should note that I added 15 bytes to the bottom of the stack and ANDed it with 0xFFFFFFF0L so that I would align the BOS on a ‘paragraph’ boundary (i.e., a 16-byte boundary).

(5) From the BOS’s linear address, we determine the new segment of the BOS.

(6) A far pointer with an offset of 0x0000 is then created and assigned to the new BOS pointer.

(7) To initialize the floating-point emulation variables of the task’s stack, we can simply copy the bottom of the calling’s task stack into the new stack. You should note that the calling task MUST have also been created from a task that has it’s stack initialized with the floating-point emulation variables. Failure to do this could cause unpredictable results. The Borland Floating-Point Emulation (FPE) assumes that about 300 bytes starting at SS:0x0000 are reserved to hold floating-point emulation variables. This applies to the ‘large memory model’ only. Note that I decided to copy 384 bytes (0x0180). It turns out that you don’t need to copy this many bytes but I find it safe to add a little extra in case of expansion. This also means that your task stack MUST have at least 384 bytes PLUS the anticipated stack requirements of your task (including ISR nesting, of course). Note that _SS is a Borland ‘pseudoregister’ which allows the code to obtain the current value of the CPU’s stack segment register. Also, I decided to use the ANSI function memcpy() because the Borland most likely optimized this function.

(8) The next step to to determine the normalize address of the TOS. We first need to subtract 16 bytes because we aligned the stack on a page boundary. If I could guaranty that you would always align your stacks to a paragraph boundary, I would not have to do this.

(9) The new TOS is determined by making a far pointer using the new segment (found in L14.4(6)) and the new size of the stack (aligned to a paragraph).

(10) The final step is to move the BOS up by 384 bytes in case the BOS is used to perform stack checking (i.e., if your application calls OSTaskStkChk()).


(12) If you use stack checking, µC/OS-II needs to know the size of the new stack. Of course, we don’t want to start the stack check from the bottom of the original stack but in fact, the new stack.

As can be seen from the code, you need to pass three arguments to OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86():


is a pointer to the task’s top-of-stack (TOS) pointer (a pointer to a pointer). The task’s TOS is passed to OSTaskCreate() or OSTaskCreateExt() when you create a task. The stack is allocated from the data space and consist of a value for the DS register and an offset from this segment register. Because OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86() normalizes the TOS, a pointer to the initial TOS is passed to this function so that it can be altered.


is a pointer to the task’s bottom-of-stack (BOS) pointer (a pointer to a pointer). The task’s BOS is not passed to OSTaskCreate() however, it is passed to OSTaskCreateExt(). In other words, ppbos is necessary for OSTaskCreateExt(). The bottom of this stack is generally not located at DS:0000 but instead, at some offset from the DS register. Because OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86() normalizes the BOS, a pointer to the initial BOS is passed to this function so that it can be altered.


is a pointer to a variable which contains the size of the stack.. The task’s size is not needed by OSTaskCreate() but it is for OSTaskCreateExt(). Because OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86() reserves storage for the floating-point emulation variables, the available stack size is actually altered by this function which is why a pointer to the size is passed. You must ensure that you pass OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86() a stack large enough to hold the floating-point emulation variables plus the anticipated stack space needed by your application task.

Figure 14.6 shows what OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86() does. Note that paragraph alignment is not shown in Figure 14.6.

Figure - Figure 14.6 Stack normalization by OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86()

You would use OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86() as shown in Listing 14.5 which contains an example with both OSTaskCreate() and OSTaskCreateExt() . The code shows that if your task is to do floating-point math, OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86() MUST be called BEFORE calling either OSTaskCreate() or OSTaskCreateExt() in order to initialize the task's stack as just described. The returned pointers (ptos and pbos) MUST be used in the task creation call. Note that pbos would be passed to OSTaskCreateExt() as the new bottom of stack. You should note that if you were call OSTaskStkChk() (only if the task is created with OSTaskCreateExt() ) to determine the size of the task’s stack at run-time, then OSTaskStkChk() would report that the stack contains 384 bytes less than it’s original size (see the AFTER case of Figure 14.6)!

Listing - Listing 14.5
OS_STK Task1Stk[1000];
OS_STK Task2Stk[1000];
void main (void)
    OS_STK *ptos;
    OS_STK *pbos;
    INT32U  size;
    ptos  = &Task1Stk[999];
    pbos  = &Task1Stk[0];
    size  = 1000;
    <b>OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86(&ptos, &pbos, &size);</b>
                 (void *)0, 
    ptos  = &Task2Stk[999];
    pbos  = &Task2Stk[0];
    size  = 1000;
    <b>OSTaskStkInit_FPE_x86(&ptos, &pbos, &size)</b>;
                    (void *)0, 
                    (void *)0,

You should be careful that your code doesn’t generate any floating-point exception (e.g., divide by zero) because the floating-point library would not work properly under these circumstances. Run-time exceptions can, however, be avoided by adding range testing code.


As previously mentioned, OS_CPU_C.C does not define code for this function. In other words, no additional work is done by the port when a task is created. The assignment of ptcb to ptcb is done so that the compiler doesn’t complain about OSTaskCreateHook() not doing anything with the argument.

Listing - Listing 14.6
void  OSTaskCreateHook (OS_TCB *ptcb)
    ptcb = ptcb;


As previously mentioned, OS_CPU_C.C does not define code for this function. In other words, no additional work is done by the port when a task is deleted. The assignment of ptcb to ptcb is again done so that the compiler doesn’t complain about OSTaskDelHook() not doing anything with the argument.

Listing - Listing 14.7
void  OSTaskDelHook (OS_TCB *ptcb)
    ptcb = ptcb;


Again, OS_CPU_C.C doesn’t do anything in this function. You should note that I added the ‘skeleton’ of the code you would need if you were toactually do something in OSTaskSwHook().

Listing - Listing 14.8
void  OSTaskSwHook (void)
#if 0
    if (OSRunning == TRUE) {
        /* Save for task being 'switched-out' */
    /* Code for task being 'switched-in'      */


Again, OS_CPU_C.C doesn’t do anything in this function.

Listing - Listing 14.9
void  OSTaskIdleHook (void)


OS_CPU_C.C doesn’t do anything in this function. See Example 3 in Chapter 1 for an example on what you can do with this function.

Listing - Listing 14.10
void  OSTaskStatHook (void)


OS_CPU_C.C doesn’t do anything in this function either.

Listing - Listing 14.11
void  OSTimeTickHook (void)


OS_CPU_C.C doesn’t do anything in this function.

Listing - Listing 14.12
void  OSInitHookBegin (void)


OS_CPU_C.C doesn’t do anything in this function.

Listing - Listing 14.13
void  OSInitHookEnd (void)


OS_CPU_C.C doesn’t do anything in this function.

Listing - Listing 14.14
void  OSTCBInitHook (void)


A µC/OS-II port requires that you write four assembly language functions:



This function is called by OSStart() to start the highest priority task ready to run. However, before you can call OSStart(), you must have called OSInit() and then created at least one task [see OSTaskCreate() and OSTaskCreateExt()]. OS