SEGGER SystemView
SEGGER SystemView
Trace Tools: SEGGER SystemView
SystemView consists of a Trace Recorder and a host application to analyze the Trace.
The image above shows the host application displaying the events table and timeline for a typical µC/OS-III based application. These are two of the most important views offered by the tool.
This section will guide you through the steps necessary to setup SEGGER SystemView as the Trace Recorder tool for µC/OS-III.
In particular, this section will describe the following steps:
- Step 1: Including SystemView
- Step 2: Configuring the Trace Recorder
- Step 3: Initializing the Trace Recorder
- Step 4: Starting the Trace Recorder
For more information on SystemView, including how to analyze the trace, see the SystemView Documentation from SEGGER's website at https://www.segger.com/systemview.html
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