Run-Time Statistics

Run-Time Statistics

µC/OS-III performs substantial run-time statistics that can be displayed by kernel-aware debuggers and/or µC/Probe. Specifically, it is possible to ascertain the total number of context switches, maximum interrupt disable time, maximum scheduler lock time, CPU usage, stack space used on a per-task basis, the RAM used by µC/OS-III, and much more.

No other real-time kernel provides as much run-time information as µC/OS-III. This information is quite useful during debugging as it provides a sense of how well an application is running and the resources being used.

µC/OS-III also provides information about the configuration of the system. Specifically, the amount of RAM used by µC/OS-III, including all internal variables and task stacks.

The µC/OS-III variables described in this chapter should be displayed and never changed.