os_cfg_app.c Static

os_cfg_app.c Static

As with os_dbg.c, os_cfg_app.c defines a number of ROM variables. These variables, however, reflect the run-time configuration of an application. Specifically, the user will be able to know the RAM footprint (in bytes) of µC/OS-III task stacks, the message pool, and more.

Below is a list of ROM variables provided in os_app_cfg.c, along with their descriptions. These variables represent approximately 100 bytes of code space.

Application code can examine these variables and the application does not need to access them in a critical region since they reside in code space and are therefore not changeable.

ROM VariableData TypeValue
OSCfg_IdleTaskStkSizeRAMCPU_INT32U sizeof(OSCfg_IdleTaskStk)

This variable indicates the RAM footprint (in bytes) of the µC/OS-III idle task stack.

ROM VariableData TypeValue

This variable indicates the RAM footprint (in bytes) of the dedicated Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) stack.

ROM VariableData TypeValue

This variable indicates the RAM footprint (in bytes) of the message pool.

ROM VariableData TypeValue

This variable indicates the RAM footprint (in bytes) of the µC/OS-III statistic task stack.

ROM VariableData TypeValue

This variable indicates the RAM footprint (in bytes) of the µC/OS-III tick task stack.

ROM VariableData TypeValue
OSCfg_DataSizeRAMCPU_INT32UTotal of all configuration RAM

This variable indicates the RAM footprint (in bytes) of all of the configuration variables declared in os_cfg_app.c.

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