BSD Functions

BSD Functions

Function NameDescription
accept()Wait for new socket connections on a listening server socket.
bind()Assign network addresses to sockets.
close()Terminate communication and free a socket.
connect()Connect a local socket to a remote socket address.
FD_CLR()Remove a socket file descriptor ID as a member of a file descriptor set.
FD_ISSET()Check if a socket file descriptor ID is a member of a file descriptor set.
FD_SET()Add a socket file descriptor ID as a member of a file descriptor set. 
FD_ZERO()Initialize/zero-clear a file descriptor set.
Free addrinfo structures information that getaddrinfo() has allocated.
Converts the numerical value of EAI-type error codes returned by getaddrinfo() into a meaningful string.
Convert human-readable text strings representing hostnames or IP addresses into dynamically allocated linked list of struct addrinfo structures.
Returns the name of the host in a null-terminated c-string array.
Returns the address of the peer connected on a socket.

Converts a socket address to a string describing the host and another string describing the service.

getsockopt()Get a specific option value on a specific TCP socket.
htonl()Convert 32-bit integer values from CPU host-order to network-order.
htons()Convert 16-bit integer values from CPU host-order to network-order.
inet_addr()Convert a string of an IPv4 address in dotted-decimal notation to an IPv4 address in host-order.
inet_aton()Convert an IPv4 address in ASCII dotted-decimal notation to a network protocol IPv4 address in network-order.
inet_ntoa()Convert an IPv4 address in host-order into an IPv4 dotted-decimal notation ASCII string.
listen()Set a socket to accept incoming connections.
ntohl()Convert 32-bit integer values from network-order to CPU host-order.
ntohs()Convert 16-bit integer values from network-order to CPU host-order.
recv() / recvfrom()Copy up to a specified number of bytes received from a remote socket into an application memory buffer.
select()Check if any sockets are ready for available read or write operations or error conditions.
send() / sendto()Copy bytes from an application memory buffer into a socket to send to a remote socket.
Sets the host name with the given value in the character array.
setsockopt()Set a specific option on a specific TCP socket.
Shut down a socket's send and/or receive operations.
socket()Create a datagram (i.e., UDP) or stream (i.e., TCP) type socket.