Network ASCII Functions

Network ASCII Functions

Function NameDescription
NetASCII_IPv4_to_Str()Convert an IPv4 address in host-order into an IPv4 dotted-decimal notation ASCII string.
NetASCII_IPv6_to_Str()Convert an IPv6 address into an IPv6 colon-decimal notation ASCII string. 
NetASCII_MAC_to_Str()Convert a Media Access Control (MAC) address into a hexadecimal address string.
NetASCII_Str_to_IP()Convert a string of an IPv4 or IPv6 address in their respective decimal notation to an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
NetASCII_Str_to_IPv4()Convert a string of an IPv4 address in dotted-decimal notation to an IPv4 address in host-order.
NetASCII_Str_to_IPv6()Convert a string of an IPv6 address in common-decimal notation to an IPv6 address.
NetASCII_Str_to_MAC()Convert an hexadecimal address string to a Media Access Control (MAC) address.

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