Wireless Device BSP Functions

Wireless Device BSP Functions

Function NameDescription
NetDev_WiFi_Start This function is called by a device driver’s  NetDev_Start()  to start and power up the wireless hardware.
NetDev_WiFi_Stop This function is called by a device driver’s  NetDev_Stop()  to stop &/or power down the wireless hardware.
NetDev_WiFi_CfgGPIO This function is called by a device driver’s  NetDev_Init()  to configure a specific network device’s general-purpose input/ouput (GPIO) on a specific interface such as SPI, external interrupt, power & reset pins.
NetDev_WiFi_CfgIntCtrl This function is called by a device driver’s  NetDev_Init()  to configure a specific network device’s interrupts and/or interrupt controller on a specific interface.
NetDev_WiFi_IntCtrl This function is called by a device driver to enable or disable interface’s/device’s interrupt.
NetDev_WiFi_SPI_Init This function is called by a device driver to initialize interface’s/device’s SPI bus.
NetDev_WiFi_SPI_Lock This function is called by a device driver to acquire the SPI lock and restrict the access to the SPI bus only to the wireless driver.
NetDev_WiFi_SPI_Unlock This function is called by a device driver to release the SPI lock and give the access to the SPI bus to other device’s hardware.
NetDev_WiFi_SPI_ChipSelDis This function is called by a device driver to disable the SPI chip select of the wireless device.
NetDev_WiFi_SPI_ChipSelEn This function is called by a device driver to enable the SPI chip select of the wireless device.
NetDev_WiFi_SPI_Cfg This function is called by a device driver to configure the SPI controller accordingly with device’s SPI setting.
NetDev_WiFi_SPI_WrRd This function is called by a device driver each time some data must be written &/or read from the wireless device/interface.
NetDev_WiFi_ISR_Handler Handle a network device’s interrupts on a specific interface.

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