Get Token Value

Get Token Value

This hook function, if defined, is called by μC/HTTP-server when a token is found into a plain document such as HTML during the response construct process as shown in the figure Hook Functions. It allows the upper application to populate some part of a document dynamically.


CPU_BOOLEAN  HTTPs_RespTokenValGetHook(const  HTTPs_INSTANCE  *p_instance,
                                              HTTPs_CONN      *p_conn,
									   const  void            *p_hook_cfg,
									   const  CPU_CHAR        *p_token,
                                              CPU_INT16U       token_len,
                                              CPU_CHAR        *p_val,
                                              CPU_INT16U       val_len_max);



Pointer to the instance structure (read only).


Pointer to the connection structure.


Pointer to hook application data.


Pointer to the string that contains the token name.


Length of the token.


Pointer to string where to copy the token substitution value.


Maximum string value length.

Return Values


If token value copied successfully.


Otherwise (see Notes).

Required Configuration

See Token Replacement Compile-time Configuration and Token Replacement Run-time Configuration.

Notes / Warnings

  • The instance structure is for read-only. It must not be modified.
  • Connection structure must not be modified by this function since the response transmission is started.
  • If the token replacement failed, the token will be replaced by a line of tilde (~) of length equal to val_len_max.

Example Template

The listing below demonstrates the µC/HTTP-server module capabilities. It checks if the token is equal to "TEXT_STRING" and replaces it with "Text"; otherwise it returns an error and lets the server replace the token by the default value.

Listing - CGI Poll Hook Function Example Code
static  CPU_BOOLEAN  HTTPs_RespTokenValGetHook (const  HTTPs_INSTANCE  *p_instance,
                                                       HTTPs_CONN      *p_conn,
												const  void            *p_hook_cfg,
												const  CPU_CHAR        *p_token,
                                                       CPU_INT16U       token_len,
                                                       CPU_CHAR        *p_val,
                                                       CPU_INT16U       val_len_max)
	if (Str_Cmp_N(p_token, "TEXT_STRING", 11) == 0) {
        Str_Copy_N(p_val, "Text", val_len_max);
        return (DEF_OK);
	return (DEF_FAIL);

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