Connection Objects Initialization
Connection Objects Initialization
This hook function, if defined, is called every time an instance is initialized as shown in the figure Hook Functions. This function should be used to initialize application' objects for a web server instance. As example this function can be used to Initialize the memory pool and chained list for session or initialize a periodic timer which check for expired session and release them if it is the case.
void HTTPs_InstanceInitHook (const HTTPs_INSTANCE *p_instance, const void *p_hook_cfg);
Pointer to the instance structure (read only).
Pointer to hook application data.
Return Values
Required Configuration
See section Hook Configuration.
Notes / Warnings
Example Template
Listing - HTTPs Instance Initialization Example Code
typedef struct HTTPs_Session HTTPs_SESSION; struct HTTPs_Session{ CPU_INT16U SessionID; CLK_TS_SEC ExpireTS; HTTPs_SESSION *NextPtr; HTTPs_SESSION *PrevPtr; }; static MEM_DYN_POOL SessionPool; static HTTPs_SESSION *SessionFirstPtr; static OS_TMR SesssionIDReleaseTMR; void HTTPs_InstanceInitHook (const HTTPs_INSTANCE *p_instance, const void *p_hook_cfg) { CPU_SIZE_T octets_reqd; LIB_ERR err; OS_ERR err_os; Mem_DynPoolCreate("HTTPs Instance Session Pool", &SessionPool, /* Create the session memory pool. */ DEF_NULL, sizeof(HTTPs_SESSION), sizeof(CPU_ALIGN), HTTPs_USER_LOGGED_MAX_NBR, HTTPs_USER_LOGGED_MAX_NBR, &err); /* Set the first pointer to NULL which indicate ... */ SessionFirstPtr = DEF_NULL; /* there is no active session. */ /* Create and Start the timer which check for ... */ /* releasing expired session. */ OSTmrCreate(&SesssionIDReleaseTMR, HTTPs_SESSION_RELEASE_TMR_NAME_STR, 0, OSCfg_TmrTaskRate_Hz, OS_OPT_TMR_PERIODIC, &HTTPs_LoginReleaseSessionIDTmr, DEF_NULL, &err_os); OSTmrStart(&SesssionIDReleaseTMR, &err_os); }