On Response Chunk Hook

On Response Chunk Hook

To allow the upper application to transmit data with the Chunked Transfer Encoding, this hook function is available. If defined, it will be called at the moment of the Response body transfer (as shown in section Hook Functions), and it will be called until the application has transfer all its data. If the hook is not required by the upper application, it can be set as DEF_NULL and no function will be called.

Furthermore, for the hook to be called, the RespBodyDataType parameter of HTTPs_CONN must be set to HTTPs_BODY_DATA_TYPE_STATIC_DATA and the DataPtr parameter must be null. Please refer to section Response Body Data for more details on how to send application data in chunk.


CPU_BOOLEAN  HTTPs_RespChunkDataGetHook(const  HTTPs_INSTANCE  *p_instance,
                                               HTTPs_CONN      *p_conn,
									    const  void            *p_hook_cfg,
									           void            *p_buf,
                                               CPU_SIZE_T       buf_len_max,
                                               CPU_SIZE_T      *p_tx_len);



Pointer to the instance structure (read only).


Pointer to the connection structure.


Pointer to hook application data.


Pointer to the buffer to fill.


Maximum length the buffer can contain.


 Pointer to variable that will received the length written in the buffer.

Return Values


if there is no more data to send.



Required Configuration

See section Hook Configuration.

Notes / Warnings

  • The instance structure is for read-only. It must not be modified.
  • Connection structure must not be modified by this function. All the parameters to change are already passed as arguments.

Example Template

The listing below demonstrates the µC/HTTP-server module capabilities. 

Listing - CGI Poll Hook Function Example Code
static  CPU_BOOLEAN  HTTPs_RespChunkDataGetHook (const  HTTPs_INSTANCE  *p_instance,
                                                        HTTPs_CONN      *p_conn,
												 const  void            *p_hook_cfg,
												        void            *p_buf,
                                                        CPU_SIZE_T       buf_len_max,
                                                        CPU_SIZE_T      *p_tx_len)
    const  HTTPs_CFG      *p_cfg = p_instance->CfgPtr;
           HTTPs_KEY_VAL  *p_key_val;
           CPU_INT16S      str_cmp;

    str_cmp = Str_Cmp_N(p_conn->PathPtr, FORM_SUBMIT_URL, p_conn->PathLenMax);
    if (str_cmp == 0) {
                                                                /* Construct JSON for user                              */
        Str_Copy(p_buf, "{\"user\": {\"first name\": \"");      /* Add First Name field.                                */
        p_key_val = p_conn->FormDataListPtr;
        while (p_key_val != DEF_NULL) {
            str_cmp = Str_Cmp_N(p_key_val->KeyPtr, "firstname", p_cfg->FormCfgPtr->KeyLenMax);
            if (str_cmp == 0) {
                Str_Cat_N(p_buf, p_key_val->ValPtr, p_key_val->ValLen);
            p_key_val = p_key_val->NextPtr;
        Str_Cat(p_buf, "\", \"last name\":\"");                 /* Add Last Name field.                                 */
        p_key_val = p_conn->FormDataListPtr;
        while (p_key_val != DEF_NULL) {
            str_cmp = Str_Cmp_N(p_key_val->KeyPtr, "lastname", p_cfg->FormCfgPtr->KeyLenMax);
            if (str_cmp == 0) {
                Str_Cat_N(p_buf, p_key_val->ValPtr, p_key_val->ValLen);
            p_key_val = p_key_val->NextPtr;
        Str_Cat(p_buf, "\"}}");
   *p_tx_len = Str_Len_N(p_buf, p_cfg->BufLen);
    return (DEF_YES);