Directories and Files

Directories and Files

The distribution of µC/CPU is typically included in a ZIP file called: Micrium_uC-CPU-Vxyy.zip. Specifically, the files may be found in the following directories:


This is the main directory for µC/CPU and contains generic, processor-independent source code including:


This file declares #define constants used to configure processor/compiler-specific CPU word sizes, endianness word order, critical section methods, and other processor configuration.

cpu_core.c and cpu_core.h

These files contain source code that implements µC/CPU features such as host name allocation, timestamps, time measurements, and counting lead zeros.


This directory contains all µC/CPU documentation files.


This directory contains a template file, cpu_cfg.h, which includes configuration for µC/CPU features such as host name allocation, timestamps, time measurements, and assembly optimization. Your application must include a cpu_cfg.h configuration file with application-specific configuration settings.


This directory contains a template file, cpu_bsp.c, which includes function templates for the board-specific (BSP) code required if certain µC/CPU features such as timestamp time measurements and assembly optimization are enabled. Your application must include code for all BSP functions enabled in cpu_cfg.h.


Cache controller implementation. See Cache Management for details.

\Micrium\Software\<CPU Type>\<Compiler>

µC/CPU also contains additional sub-directories specific to each processor/compiler combination organized as follows:


This file contains µC/CPU configuration specific to the processor (CPU Type) and compiler (Compiler), such as data type definitions, processor address and data word sizes, endianness word order, and critical section macros. See Processor-Compiler Port Files for more details.

cpu_a.asm or cpu_a.s

These (optional) files contains assembly code to enable/disable interrupts, implement critical section methods, and any other processor-specific code not already defined or implemented in the processor’s cpu.h (or cpu.c).


This (optional) file contains C and/or assembly code to implement processor-specific code not already defined or implemented in the processor’s cpu.h (or cpu_a.asm).

\Template\cpu.h and cpu_a.asm

These template µC/CPU configuration files include example configurations for a generic processor/compiler.

Application files which intend to make use of µC/CPU macros or functions should #include the desired µC/CPU header files. In addition, applications are required to configure µC/CPU features in application-specific configuration file, cpu_cfg.h.

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