Cache Management

Cache Management

µC/CPU contains a minimal cache management API to support applications and drivers performing DMA operations on cache enabled processors.

Cache controller port

Available implementations are location in the Cache directory of the µC/CPU distribution. Ports are usually divided in two parts, a toolchain independent C file and toolchain specific file. For example the ARM Cortex-A generic L1 cache controller has the following directory structure :



After including the necessary files cache management can be enabled by setting CPU_CFG_CACHE_MGMT_EN to DEF_ENABLED in cpu_cfg.h.


The µC/CPU cache management module only performs cache maintenance operations. All the necessary steps to enable a processor's cache controllers must have been performed before calling CPU_Init().

Cache Operations

The cache API supports two operations to flush or invalidate a range of addresses from the data cache. See the reference manual sections for CPU_DCACHE_RANGE_FLUSH and CPU_DCACHE_RANGE_INV for details.

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