CDC EEM Demo Application

CDC EEM Demo Application

The CDC EEM demo consists of two parts:

  • A USB host that supports CDC EEM (Linux, for instance).
  • The USB Device application on the target board which responds to the request of the host.

Note that the demo application provided by Micriµm is only an example and is intended to be used as a starting point to develop your own application.

CDC EEM Device Application

On the target side, the user configures the application through the app_usbd_cfg.h file. Table - CDC EEM Application Example Configuration Constants lists a few preprocessor constants that must be defined.

Table - CDC EEM Application Example Configuration Constants
Preprocessor Constants
Default Value
APP_CFG_USBD_ENEnables µC/USB Device in the application.DEF_ENABLED

The CDC EEM application example only performs an initialization of the class and Ethernet interface using µC/TCP-IP. Once initialized, the application will let you do basic operations like ICMP echo requests (ping).

CDC EEM Host Application

As of now, only Linux operating system has built-in support for CDC EEM devices. Note that some third-party commercial drivers can be found for Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS.

Once connected to a Linux host, the operating system will add a new network interface called "usbx" (where x is a number starting from 0). The command ifconfig can be used from a terminal to see the different network interfaces available and to set a static IP address to the "usbx" interface, which will be necessary if you don't have a DHCP server on your target. Once done, you should be ready to perform ping commands form a terminal and use any other application implemented on your device (HTTP, FTP, etc).

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