uC-USB-Device User Manual

uC-USB-Device User Manual

USB is likely the most successful communication interface in the history of computer systems, and is the de-facto standard for connecting computer peripherals.

Micrium’s μC/USB-Device is a USB device stack designed specifically for embedded systems. Built from the ground up with Micrium’s quality, scalability and reliability, it has gone through a rigorous validation process to comply with the USB 2.0 specification.

The first section of this space, uC-USB-Device User Manual, describes the inner-workings of USB and the way Micrium’s μC/USB-Device stack can be used to simplify USB development. It also gives details about the various configuration values and their uses and a porting guide for the core and all the classes. Information such as overview, configuration possibilities, implementation details and examples of typical usage is also given for every available class.

The second section, µC/USB-Device Reference Manual, gives details about the various functions that are available in the stack. The functions from the core and every class are documented, to facilitate the development of any application.

The examples featured in this documentation space include USB devices with the most basic functionality that will allow you to understand the USB concepts covered in the first part of the space and at the same time, they provide a framework to quickly build devices such as:

  • Microphone, speaker or headset (Audio Class)
  • USB-to-serial adapter (Communications Device Class)
  • Mouse or keyboard (Human Interface Device Class)
  • Removable storage device (Mass Storage Class)
  • USB medical device (Personal Healthcare Device Class)
  • Custom device (Vendor Class)

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