


Ethernet connectivity is provided by the uC/TCPIP communication stack coupled with a suitable Ethernet driver. Additional network application such has DNS, DHCP and HTTP can be optionally enabled if desired.

Trial version

The freely downloadable version of the Xilinx SDK available on Micrium's website contains an evaluation library of uC/TCPIP and associated components. Please contact Micrium if you need a full source evaluation or to purchase.

Supported MAC

At this moment the following ethernet controllers are supported :

IPZynq-7000MicroBlazeuC/TCPIP Driver
Zynq Gigabit Ethernet MAC(tick)(error)GEM
AXI Ethernet Lite(tick)(tick)XIL_ETHER_LITE
AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet Subsystem*(tick)(tick)XIL_AXI_ETHERNET
Table - Supported ethernet controllers

*The AXI Ethernet Subsystem driver isn't provided as part of the evaluation version available from the website. Please contact Micrium if you are interested in the AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet IP.


To enable networking the ucos_tcpip library should be added to the project as seen in figure Figure - TCPIP library configuration. The ucos_dns-c, ucos_dhcp-c and ucos_http-c libraries can be included to add DNS, DHCP and HTTP support respectively.

The trial library of uC/TCPIP is built with DNS support activated. As such the ucos_dnsc library should always be included. With the fully licensed version it is possible to remove ucos_dns-c if not needed to reduce the application footprint.

Figure - TCPIP library configuration

At this moment the BSP generation scripts can only handle a single Ethernet interface. If needed additional interfaces will have to be brought up from the user application. Before configuring an interface it should be included in the hardware specifications and the Micrium drivers should be selected for it. The interface can be configured from the "ETHERNET INTERFACE" category reachable from the global BSP configuration. 


Figure - bsp

IP address configuration

The IP address can be hard coded in the BSP configuration or if available the ucos_dhcp-c library can be used to fetch an IP address at runtime. When DHCP is enabled but a DHCP server is not available on the network a link local address will be configured instead of the hard coded value.

IPv6 support

IPv6 is only supported in the fully licensed version. When IPv6 support is enabled it is possible to enter an IPv6 formatted address as the hard coded address.

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