Supported Drivers

Supported Drivers

The Micrium repository is compatible with Xilinx standalone drivers for application development. However custom drivers are shipped with the BSP for selected peripherals. These drivers are usually designed to support Micrium components where standalone drivers cannot be used. To differentiate them the drivers distributed with this BSP are always prefixed with ucos_. As listed in Table - Supported Drivers some drivers are required for the BSP to function properly.

AXI Ethernet Liteucos_axiethernetliteNoEthernet interface for MicroBlaze systems
AXI Interrupt Controllerucos_axiintcYesInterrupt controller for a MicroBlaze system
AXI Timerucos_axitimerNoCan be used as a kernel tick source for a MicroBlaze system
AXI UART Liteucos_axiuartliteNoSTDIN/STDOUT Provider for Zynq or MicroBlaze systems
Xilinx CANucos_canpsNoUsed by the CAN module
Cortex-A9 CPUucos_cpu_cortexa9YesCPU Configuration and Control for the Cortex-A9
Zynq GEMucos_emacpsNoGigabit Ethernet MAC for the Zynq-7000
MicroBlaze CPUucos_cpu_microblazeYesCPU Configuration and Control for the MicroBlaze
L2C310 L2 Cache Controllerucos_l2cachecYesARM L2 Cache for the Zynq
MPCore SCUucos_scucYesSCU Configuration
MPCore Timersucos_scutimerYesPrivate and Global timer of the Cortex-A9 MPCore
SD Carducos_sdpsNoUsed as a storage media
Cadence UARTucos_uartpsNoSTDIN/STDOUT provider for Zynq or MicroBlaze systems
Synopsys USB Controllerucos_usbpsNoUsed by the USB modules
Table - Supported Drivers

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