How to Process Management Response

How to Process Management Response

NetDev_MgmtProcessResp() is called when the response of the current management command is received which means that NetDev_Demux() has signaled the device’s Wireless Manager and the response must be analyzed and translated. NetDev_MgmtProcessResp() performs the following actions:

  1. The function must translate the response and it must fills the return buffer with appropriate data following the stack format.
  2. Update the device’s Wireless Manager context state argument pointer following how the command result must be handled by the Wireless Manager.
    • If the management command is completed, MgmtCompleted must be set to true.
    • If the management command is not completed and more calls to NetDev_MgmtExecuteCmd() are required before completing the current management command, MgmtCompleted should be set to false. NetDev_MgmtExecuteCmd will be called and the management command will not return until MgmtCompleted comes equal to true.
  3. NetDev_MgmtProcessResp() sets p_err to NET_DEV_ERR_NONE and return from the Process management response function.