Node Specification

Node Specification

This section describes the basic node specification. This table must be existent for each CANopen node, which shall be active within the CANopen device.


const CO_NODE_SPEC AppSpec = {
    (CPU_INT08U     ) 0x01,
    (CO_OBJ        *)&AppObjDir,
    (CPU_INT16U     ) sizeof(AppObjDir)/sizeof(CO_OBJ),
    (CO_EMCY_TBL   *)&AppEmcyCode,
    (CO_TMR_MEM    *)&AppTmrMem,
    (CPU_INT16U     ) sizeof(AppTmrMem)/sizeof(CO_TMR_MEM),
    (CANBUS_PARA   *)&AppCanCfg,
    (CPU_INT08U    *)&AppSdoBuf

This example specifies the basic node information for the example node. Each entry is a part of this configuration file co_obj_cfg.c. This structure is only required for startup of the CANopen stack.

Note: If SDO block and segmented transfer is disabled, e.g. the SDO transfer buffer is not used, the last entry in the node specification should be set to NULL.

For the usage of this structure, see the Reference Manual [2]. The following example instantiates a single CANopen node:

extern const CO_NODE_SPEC AppSpec;
             CO_NODE      AppNode;
void StartNode (void)
    CONodeInit(&AppNode, (CO_NODE_SPEC  *)&AppSpec);
    if (CONodeGetErr(&AppNode) != CO_ERR_NONE) {
        /* error handling */

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