µC/FTPs OS Abstraction Layer

µC/FTPs OS Abstraction Layer

This directory contains the RTOS abstraction layer which allows the use of µC/HTTPs with nearly any commercial of in-house RTOS, or without any RTOS at all. The abstraction layer for the selected RTOS is placed in a sub-directory under OS as follows:


This directory contains all software components and projects provided by Micriµm.


This sub-directory contains all the software components and projects.


This is the main µC/FTPs directory.


This is the main OS directory.


This is the directory that contains the files to perform RTOS abstraction. Note that files for the selected RTOS abstraction layer must always be named ftp-s_os.*.


μC/FTPs is delivered with ports for μC/OS-II and μC/OS-III, but it is possible for μC/FTPs to be used with another RTOS by providing appropriate implementations of ftp-s_os.*.