

These macros copy and encode data values from any CPU memory address to any other memory address.




MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INT08U_BIG(addr_dest, addr_src);
MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INT16U_BIG(addr_dest, addr_src);
MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INT32U_BIG(addr_dest, addr_src);
MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INTU_BIG(addr_dest, addr_src, val_size);

MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INT08U_LITTLE(addr_dest, addr_src);
MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INT16U_LITTLE(addr_dest, addr_src);
MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INT32U_LITTLE(addr_dest, addr_src);
MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INTU_LITTLE(addr_dest, addr_src, val_size);

MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INT08U(addr_dest, addr_src);
MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INT16U(addr_dest, addr_src);
MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INT32U(addr_dest, addr_src);
MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INTU(addr_dest, addr_src, val_size);



Lowest CPU memory address to copy/encode source address’s data value.


Lowest CPU memory address of the data value to copy/encode.


Number of data value octets to copy/encode.

Returned Value


Required Configuration


Notes / Warnings

CPU memory addresses/pointers not checked for NULL nor overlapping memory addresses which may result in undefined copy behavior.

Copy/encode data values based on the values’ data-word order in CPU memory:


Encode big-endian data values — data words’ most significant octet at lowest memory address


Encode little-endian data values — data words’ least significant octet at lowest memory address


Encode data values using CPU’s native or configured data-word order

MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_xxx() macros copy/encode data values without regard to CPU word-aligned addresses. Thus for processors that require data word alignment, data words can be copied/encoded to/from any CPU addresses, word-aligned or not, without generating data-word-alignment exceptions/faults.

MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_xxx() macros are more efficient than MEM_VAL_SET_xxx() macros and are also fully independent of CPU data-word-alignment and should be used whenever possible. Fixed-size copy MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INTxxU_xxx() macros are more efficient than dynamic-size copy MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INTU_xxx() macros and should be used whenever possible.

MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_xxx() macros are not atomic operations and must not be used on any non-static (i.e., volatile) variables, registers, hardware, etc.; without the caller of the macros providing some form of additional protection (e.g. mutual exclusion).

Since octet-order copy/conversion are inverse operations, MEM_VAL_COPY_GET_xxx() and MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_xxx() memory data-copy get/set macros are inverse, but identical, operations and are provided in both forms for semantics and consistency.

Example Usage

          CPU_INT16U  *pmem;
          CPU_INT16U  *pval;
          CPU_INT08U   buf[SIZE];

          pmem = &SomeAddr;                    /* Any CPU address */
          pval = &SomeVal;                     /* Any CPU address */
          MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INT16U(pmem, pval);
          MEM_VAL_COPY_SET_INTU(&buf[0], pmem, sizeof(buf));

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