Generic Controller Layer Implementation

Generic Controller Layer Implementation

The generic controller layer driver is an implementation of the controller layer that is compatible with most parallel NAND devices and most simple memory controllers. It has the following features:

  • Supports multiple sector per page
  • Packs out-of-sector (OOS) metadata around reserved spare area zones
  • Extensible through extensions that provides multiple hooks to allow for different ECC protection schemes (an extension for software ECC is provided)
  • Supports reading ONFI parameter pages through a its IO_Ctrl() function
  • Supports both 8-bit and 16-bit bus devices

The generic controller driver imposes a specific page layout: the sectors are stored sequentially in the main page area and OOS metadata zones are stored sequentially in the spare area, packed in the free spare zones specified by the .FreeSpareMap field of the associated FS_PART_DATA data structure. An example layout is shown below for a device with 2048 octets pages, using 512 bytes sectors.

Figure - Example generic controller driver page layout

To determine if the generic controller driver is compatible with your hardware, you can study its BSP interface, described in BSP Development Guide - Generic Controller.

Generic Controller Extension Layer

The generic controller extension layer extends the functionality of the generic controller, mostly with regards to ECC. It allows for the reuse of the generic controller code, enabling easy customizations of the controller layer. The NAND driver ships with two generic controller extensions:

Table - Generic controller layer extensions provided

Extension API




fs_dev_nand_ctrlr_gen_soft_ecc.* in /Micrium/Software/uC-FS/Dev/NAND/Ctrlr

Supports software ECC calculation and correction through µC/CRC ECC modules.


fs_dev_nand_ctrlr_gen_micron_ecc.* in /Micrium/Software/uC-FS/Dev/NAND/Ctrlr

Supports on-chip ECC hardware for some Micron parts (ex: MT29F01G08ABADA).

The software ECC generic controller extension (FS_NAND_CtrlrGen_SoftECC) uses µC/CRC’s ECC modules for the ECC codewords calculation and data correction. The extension is configurable through a FS_NAND_CTRLR_GEN_SOFT_ECC_CFG type structure. It should be initialized to the value FS_NAND_CtrlrGen_SoftEcc_DfltCfg before its fields are overridden to the appropriate values for your application.

Listing - NAND translation layer configuration structure
typedef  struct  fs_nand_cfg {
    const ECC_CALC  *ECC_ModulePtr;                     (1)

(1) Pointer to an ECC_CALC API structure that will be used to provide software ECC calculation and correction. Refer to ECC Module Development Guide and µC/CRC’s user manual for more information on ECC modules.

The Micron ECC generic controller extension (FS_NAND_CtrlrGen_MicronECC) allows the use of internal on-chip hardware ECC engines for some Micron NAND flash parts. The extension has been designed as an example for the Micron MT29F1G08ABADA, but should function properly with other similar Micron devices with internal ECC hardware modules. This module doesn’t have any configuration options, you should use DEF_NULL as the generic controller extension configuration pointer (.CtrlrExtCfg field of the FS_NAND_CTRLR_GEN_CFG structure).

Note that the spare layout ('.FreeSpareMap' field of the associated FS_PART_DATA) needs to be set such that the spare zones where the Micron NAND part will store its ECC data is not being defined as free.

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