Configure AudioStreaming interface settings by:
- Allocating an AudioStreaming Settings structure.
- Initializing this structure with the stream information.
- Allocating buffers that will be used by the given AudioStreaming interface.
usbd_audio.h / usbd_audio.c
USBD_AUDIO_AS_IF_HANDLE USBD_Audio_AS_IF_Cfg (const USBD_AUDIO_STREAM_CFG *p_stream_cfg, const USBD_AUDIO_AS_IF_CFG *p_as_if_cfg, const USBD_AUDIO_DRV_AS_API *p_as_api, MEM_SEG *p_seg, CPU_INT08U terminal_ID, USBD_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_CORR_FNCT corr_callback, USBD_ERR *p_err);
Pointer to general stream configuration.
Pointer to the AudioStreaming interface configuration structure.
Pointer to AudioStreaming interface API.
Pointer to memory segment used for buffers allocation. If null pointer, buffers are allocated from the heap. Otherwise, buffers are allocated from a memory region created by the application.
Terminal ID associated to this AudioStreaming interface.
Application callback for user-defined correction algorithm.
Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function.
Returned Value
Handle to AudioStreaming interface, if NO error(s).
0, otherwise.
Notes / Warnings
The Listing - USBD_Audio_AS_IF_Cfg() Example Usage presents an example of usage using a memory segment to allocate the stream buffers. Listing Listing - Audio Class Initialization Example shows the same function using a general heap for the stream buffers.
#define APP_CFG_USBD_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_NBR_BUF 20u #define APP_CFG_USBD_AUDIO_BUF_EXTRA_BYTE (USBD_AUDIO_STEREO * USBD_AUDIO_FMT_TYPE_I_SUBFRAME_SIZE_2) #define APP_CFG_USBD_AUDIO_DEMO_MEM_SEG_SIZE (APP_CFG_USBD_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_NBR_BUF \ * (USBD_AUDIO_FMT_TYPE_I_SAMFREQ_48KHZ / 1000u) \ * USBD_AUDIO_STEREO \ * USBD_AUDIO_FMT_TYPE_I_SUBFRAME_SIZE_2 \ * APP_CFG_USBD_AUDIO_BUF_EXTRA_BYTE) static CPU_INT08U App_USBD_Audio_MemSegData[APP_CFG_USBD_AUDIO_DEMO_MEM_SEG_SIZE]; static MEM_SEG App_USBD_Audio_MemSegInfo; USBD_AUDIO_AS_IF_HANDLE speaker_playback_as_if_handle; Mem_SegCreate( "Audio Data Memory Segment", (1) &App_USBD_Audio_MemSegInfo, (CPU_ADDR)App_USBD_Audio_MemSegData, APP_CFG_USBD_AUDIO_DEMO_MEM_SEG_SIZE, LIB_MEM_PADDING_ALIGN_NONE, &err_lib); if (err_lib!= LIB_MEM_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle the error. */ } speaker_playback_as_if_handle = USBD_Audio_AS_IF_Cfg(&USBD_SpeakerStreamCfg, &USBD_AS_IF1_SpeakerCfg, &USBD_Audio_DrvAS_API_Simulation, &App_USBD_Audio_MemSegInfo, (2) Speaker_IT_USB_OUT_ID, DEF_NULL, &err); if (err != USBD_ERR_NONE) { /* $$$$ Handle the error. */ }
(1) Create the memory segment. The memory segment will be created on a statically allocated buffer whose size will fit the necessary number of playback buffers. The base address of the memory segment data can also point to a controller dedicated memory. In that case, you may define the memory segment size to the the available dedicated memory size. Other stream buffers may be allocated from the same memory. In this example, the constant LIB_MEM_PADDING_ALIGN_NONE
is passed to the function. This argument relates to the buffer padding done internally by µC/LIB when getting a buffer from the memory segment. The padding is done only if the argument is different from LIB_MEM_PADDING_ALIGN_NONE
. Padding may be useful to avoid cache incoherence when audio buffers are allocated from a cacheable memory region accessible to a DMA engine. Refer to page Memory Segments for more details about this function.
(2) Pass the memory segment structure to the function USBD_Audio_AS_IF_Cfg()
. The audio class will create a memory pool into the given memory segment from which the audio class will get audio buffers while performing streaming.