ICMP Echo Request (Ping) Tests

The ping can be used as a starting point to validate the driver. But keep in mind that if your target answers to a ping request, it doesn't mean that your work is done. Since a ping request sends only a small payload to the target, and the device sends back an equally small payload to the test station, it is not a test for reliability or performance. The goal of this test is only to quickly determine whether or not the basic mechanism for receiving and transmitting a packet are implemented in your device driver.

ping <target.ip.address>

The µC/TCP-IP module needs a heavier load to see if the device driver is robust and stable. Your device driver must be able to answer (for a of minimum 15 seconds) this command:

ping <target.ip.address> -n 15 -l 1472

Once your driver is able to handle the previous ping command, you can increase the load by using fping.

A Windows version of fping can be found under the folder \Micrium\Software\uC-TCPIP-V2\App\NDIT\Tool\Release. Additional download sites are available for Linux and other operating systems. Note that NDIT is a Windows-only tool.

Your driver must be able to handle these fping commands:

fping <target.ip.address> -t 1 –c –i

–t 1

Sets the interval between two subsequent ICMP echo request to 1 ms


Send the request indefinitely


Disables an annoying fping warning

A good result would be if your device can sustain that rate of request without ever stalling. Otherwise, you might have a buffer leak issue or a device configuration issue you should fix first before continuing with the subsequent tests.

fping <target.ip.address> -t 1 -S 1/1464