Test Management Interface

NDIT requires a connection with the target to configure the tests. There are two connection protocols available: RS-232 or TCP/IP (Ethernet). The use of TCP/IP requires a functional Ethernet driver and TCP/IP stack. It is common to start with RS-232, when a UART is available.

Upon starting NDIT, the following dialog box appears:

Figure - Test management interface setup dialog

The connection setup options are as followed:

Connection type

COM port (ex: COM1).
Baud rate (8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control)

Command port (UDP or TCP port)
The test station and target exchange commands and return results on this port. It must match the port number defined in app_cfg.h (#define NDIT_PORT).

Transport protocol

TCP or UDP. Either one of the protocol can be chosen as long as the target’s TCP/IP implementation supports it.

Target IP

The target IP address must be the one used by App_TCPIP_Init() in app.c in order for the test station to reach the target board. This parameter is also used when the NDIT is setup for RS-232 communication.


The network interface used to communicate with the target. By default, the first IPv4 network interface found is used. In order for the tests to work, the target has to be reachable via the selected network interface.

Once you click ‘OK’ the NDIT main window (see next section) appears, and your chosen connection settings are stored and will be reloaded at the next startup of NDIT.