Module Configuration
Module Configuration
Port Configuration
Table - Port Configuration
Constant | Description | Possible Values |
TELNETs_CFG_PORT_SERVER | Defines the TCP port µC/TELNETs will listen for connection requests on in non secure mode.The default value is 23 for standard connections. | Any value within the TCP/UDP port range. |
TELNETs_CFG_PORT_SERVER_SECURE | Defines the TCP port µC/TELNETs will listen for connection requests on in secure mode.The default value is 992 for secure connections. | Any value within the TCP/UDP port range. |
Connection Configuration
Table - Connection Configuration
Constant | Description | Possible Values |
TELNETs_CFG_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_S | The inactivity timeout defines the maximum time the server will wait for a client to transmit data. Once this timeout has expired, the server closes the connection and terminates the session task. | Any integer value |
TELNETs_CFG_MAX_TX_TRIES | Maximum number of tries the server attempt when sending data following a transmission error. | Any integer value |
Authentication Configuration
Table - Authentication Configuration
Constant | Description | Possible Values |
TELNETs_CFG_MAX_USR_NAME_LEN | These values determine the maximum lengths for the username used by the authentication mechanism. | Any integer value |
TELNETs_CFG_MAX_PW_LEN | These values determine the maximum lengths for the password used by the authentication mechanism. | Any integer value |
TELNETs_CFG_MAX_LOGIN_TRIES | Maximum number of tries the server gives to the connecting client in the authentication process. | Any integer value |
TELNETs_CFG_WELCOME_MSG_STR | Welcome message sent to the NVT upon successful client authentication. | String |
Buffer Configuration
Table - Buffer Configuration
Constant | Description | Possible Values |
TELNETs_CFG_RX_BUF_LEN | Size of both the reception buffer. | Any Integer value |
TELNETs_CFG_NVT_BUF_LEN | Size of both the NVT buffer. | Any Integer value |
These buffers are used to hold the received raw data (user data and option requests/replies), as well as the received commands waiting to be processed. The size of the NVT buffer should be as large as the longest line of data transmitted by the client, whereas the reception buffer one should be slightly larger to accommodate the potential options requests/replies that could come along.
File System Feature Configuration
Table - File System Feature Configuration
Constant | Description | Possible Values |
TELNETs_CFG_FS_EN | Whether or not a file system module is present in the application.. | DEF_ENABLED or DEF_DISABLED |
TELNETs_CFG_FS_MAX_PATH_NAME_LEN | Maximum path name length when a file system module is present. | Any integer value |
Echo Feature Configuration
Table - Echo Feature Configuration
Constant | Description | Possible Values |
TELNETs_CFG_ECHO_EN | Configure if the echo mode is whether or not enabled .. | DEF_ENABLED or DEF_DISABLED |
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