

Initializes FTP server.




          CPU_BOOLEAN  FTPs_Init (       NET_IP_ADDR       public_addr,
                                         NET_PORT_NBR      public_port,
                                  const  FTPs_SECURE_CFG  *p_secure_cfg);


public_addr IP address used for passive mode.

public_port TCP port used for passive mode.

p_secure_cfg Pointer to a secure configuration structure if secured connection required or
Null if secured connection is not required.

Returned Values

DEF_OK, FTP user successfully authenticated;

DEF_FAIL, otherwise.

Required Configuration

  • The network security manager MUST be available and enabled to accept a secure FTP connection (i.e: in “net_cfg.h”, NET_SECURE_CFG_EN should be DEF_ENABLED AND NET_CFG_TRANSPORT_LAYER_SEL should be configured for TCP). See µC/TCPIP user manual for more information about the network security manager.
  • A network security module MUST be included in the project (i.e: Mocana’s NanoSSL) to use the network security manager functionalities.

Notes / Warnings

  • Secure FTP connections are NOT supported if the client attempts to connect in active mode.

Example Usage

          #define  FTPs_PASSIVE_IP_ADDR        "" 
          #define  FTPs_PASSIVE_PORT                   2000 
          extern const CPU_CHAR          cert[];
          extern const CPU_CHAR          key[];
                      FTPs_SECURE_CFG ftps_secure_cfg;
          static  void  AppTaskStart (void  *p_arg) 
              NET_IP_ADDR  addr; 
              CPU_BOOLEAN  success; 
              NET_ERR      net_err; 
              AppInit_TCPIP();                                                                              (1)
              App_FS_Init();                                                                                (2)
              addr = NetASCII_Str_to_IP((CPU_CHAR *) FTPs_PASSIVE_IP_ADDR, 
                                        (NET_ERR  *)&net_err); 
              ftps_secure_cfg.CertPtr   = (CPU_CHAR *)&cert[0];                                             (3)
              ftps_secure_cfg.CertLen   =              Str_Len(cert);                                       (4)
              ftps_secure_cfg.Fmt       =              NET_SOCK_SECURE_CERT_KEY_FMT_PEM;                    (5)
              ftps_secure_cfg.KeyPtr    = (CPU_CHAR *)&key[0];                                              (6)
              ftps_secure_cfg.KeyLen    =              Str_Len(key);                                        (7)
              ftps_secure_cfg.CertChain =              DEF_NO;                                              (8)
              success = FTPs_Init(addr, FTPs_PASSIVE_PORT, &ftps_secure_cfg);                               (9)
              if (success == DEF_YES) { 
                  printf("FTP secure server successfully initialized.\n\r"); 
              } else { 
                  printf("FTP secure server initialization failed.\n\r"); 
              while (DEF_YES) { 
                  OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 0, 100); 

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