Version 1.96.xx
Version 1.96.xx
Release Date: 2013-05-03
- µC/TCPIP V2.13.02
- µC/LIB V1.37.01
- µC/CPU V1.29.01
- Mocana nanoSSL V5.7.01 [Option]
New features & improvements
- Added support for Mocana's NanoSSL security manager.
- New unique configuration file – ftp-s_cfg.h and removed all reference to app_cfg.h. FTPs configuration has not to be copied in app_cfg.h anymore.
- Modified how headers are included inside the product and how to include net.h. Compiler 'include path directories' can contain the main folder of µC/TCPIP-V2 (e.g. $Micrium/Software/uC-TCPIP-V2) without including subdirectories.
API Changes
- FTPs_Init() now takes a pointer to a FTPs_SECURE_CFG stucture as argument to define the security parameters. If no security management is required, a null pointer should be passed as parameter.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed file upload issues.