

The µC/FTPc module has to be configured according to your specific needs. Template configuration files (ftp-c_cfg.c/h) are included in the module package (see section Directories and Files), and this configuration should be copied into your application directory and included to your project.

Micriµm provides sample configuration code free of charge; however, most sample code will likely require modifications depending on specific feature requirements and memory limitation.

There are two groups of configuration parameters: the compile-time and the run-time configuration.

Compile-Time Configuration

Here is the list of the values and description of each of the configuration variable. However, keep in mind that future releases of this module might include more configuration options.

File System Configuration

ConstantDescriptionPossible Values
FTPc_CFG_USE_FSThis value controls the integration between µC/FTPc and a FS. If value is DEF_ENABLED, functions using the FS Abstraction Layer Interface functions are compiled and enabled. If value is DEF_DISABLED, no File System functions are available to the application.DEF_ENABLED or DEF_DISABLED


Runtime-Time Configuration

µC/FTPc has a internal default configuration, but if you wish to modify some parameters of the configuration, a run-time configuration must be passed during the initialization. FTPc run-time configuration template file is provided (see Directories and Files). The run-time configuration template file  (ftp-c_cfg.c ) should be copied into the application folder and modified as per individual project requirements.

const  FTPc_CFG  FTPc_Cfg = {
*                                    CTRL CONNECTION CONFIGURATION
        5000u,                                                  /* Maximum inactivity time (ms) on CONNECT.             */
        5000u,                                                  /* Maximum inactivity time (ms) on RX.                  */
        5000u,                                                  /* Maximum inactivity time (ms) on TX.                  */
        100u,                                                   /* Delay between each retries on RX.                    */
        3u,                                                     /* Maximum number of retries on TX.                     */
        100u,                                                   /* Delay between each retries on TX.                    */

*                                     TDTP CONNECTION CONFIGURATION
        5000u,                                                  /* Maximum inactivity time (ms) on CONNECT.             */
        5000u,                                                  /* Maximum inactivity time (ms) on RX.                  */
        5000u,                                                  /* Maximum inactivity time (ms) on TX.                  */
        3u,                                                     /* Maximum number of retries on TX.                     */
        100u                                                    /* Delay between each retries on TX.                    */