A volume, once it is open, may need to be formatted before files or directories can be created. The default format is selected by passing a NULL pointer as the second parameter of FSVol_Fmt()
. Alternatively, the exact properties of the file system can be configured with a FS_FAT_SYS_CFG
structure. An example of populating and using the FAT configuration is shown in Listing - Example device format. If the configuration is invalid, an error will be returned from FSVol_Fmt()
. For more information about the FS_FAT_SYS_CFG
structure, see FS_FAT_SYS_CFG.
Listing - Example device format
void App_InitFS (void) { FS_ERR err; FS_FAT_SYS_CFG fat_cfg; . . . fat_cfg.ClusSize = 4; /* Cluster size = 4 * 512-B = 2-kB.*/ fat_cfg.RsvdAreaSize = 1; /* Reserved area = 1 sector. */ fat_cfg.RootDirEntryCnt = 512; /* Entries in root dir = 512. */ fat_cfg.FAT_Type = 12; /* FAT type = FAT12. */ fat_cfg.NbrFATs = 2; /* Number of FATs = 2. */ FSVol_Fmt("ram:0:", &fat_cfg, &err); if (err != FS_ERR_NONE) { APP_TRACE_DEBUG(("Format failded.\r\n")); } . . . }