Module Configuration

Module Configuration

It is recommended that the configuration process starts with the default configuration values which are shown in bold.

Module Configuration

CLK_CFG_ARG_CHK_EN determines whether the code for arguments check is included. This value can either be DEF_DISABLED or DEF_ENABLED.

CLK_CFG_STR_CONV_EN determines whether the code for date/time structure conversion to a preformated string is included. This value can either be DEF_DISABLED or DEF_ENABLED.

CLK_CFG_NTP_EN determines whether the code for NTP timestamp utilities is included. This value can either be DEF_DISABLED or DEF_ENABLED.

CLK_CFG_UNIX_EN determines whether the code for Unix timestamp utilities is included. This value can either be DEF_DISABLED or DEF_ENABLED.

CLK_CFG_EXT_EN determines whether the code for Clock/calendar externally maintained is included. This value can either be DEF_DISABLED or DEF_ENABLED.

CLK_CFG_SIGNAL_EN determines if clock/calendar software maintained is task time delayed or is signaled via periodic call to Clk_SignalClk. This value can either be DEF_DISABLED or DEF_ENABLED.

CLK_CFG_SIGNAL_FREQ_HZ determines the number of times Clk_SignalClk gets called every second.

CLK_CFG_TZ_DFLT_SEC determines the default UTC time zone offset used by Clock.

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