

The command line interface is a traditional method for accessing the network functionality on a remote system (telnet), or in a device with a serial port (be that RS-232 or USB). A group of shell commands are available for µC/TCPIP. These may simply expedite evaluation of the network suite, or become part a primary method of access (or gathering debug information) in your final product.

Using the Shell Commands

To use shell commands some file, in addition to the generic µC/TCPIP files, must be included in the build:

See Directories and Files - Shell Commands

Using Network Interface Programming API

The following files must be included in any application or header files initialize µC/Shell or handle shell commands.

Include fileDescription
Cmd/net_cmd.hContains the initialization function API

API Reference

All Interface APIs are presented in the section 

Function NameDescription

Add Network Shell commands to µC/Shell

Initialization order

Modules must be initialized in the following order:

  1. µC/Shell
  2. Network suite (see Initializing Tasks and objects)
  3. Network Shell Command
#include  <Source/net.h>
#include  <net_dev_rs9110n2x.h>
#include  <net_bsp.h>
#include  <net_phy.h>
#include  <Cmd/net_cmd.h>
    NET_IF_NBR   if_nbr;
    NET_ERR      err;
    NET_CMD_ERR  err_cmd;
    err = Net_Init();
    if (err != NET_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);
    if_nbr  = NetIF_Add((void    *)&NetIF_API_WiFi
                        (void    *)&NetDev_API_RS9110N2x,
                        (void    *)&NetDev_BSP_SPI_API,
                        (void    *)&NetDev_Cfg_WiFi_0,
                        (void    *)&NetWiFiMgr_API_Generic,
                        (void    *) 0,
                        (NET_ERR *)&err);
    if (err != NET_IF_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);
    NetIF_Start(if_nbr, &err);
    if (err != NET_IF_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);
    /*uC-Shell must has been initialized before initializing Network Shell Command */
    if (err != NET_CMD_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);
    return (DEF_OK);


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