Run-Time Configuration
µC/MQTT-client requires a run-time configuration that must be passed during the initialization. MQTT run-time configuration are provided in several examples (see Directories and Files).
Micriµm provides sample configuration code free of charge; however, most sample code will likely require modifications depending on specific feature requirements and memory limitation.
Configuration Structure
const MQTTc_CFG AppMQTTc_Cfg = { APP_MQTTc_MSG_QTY, /* Max nbr of messages used at any given time. */ APP_MQTTc_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_s, /* Inactivity timeout, in seconds. */ APP_MQTTc_INTERNAL_TASK_DLY /* Delay, in milliseconds, of internal MQTTc task. */ };
Structure Field | Type | Description | Possible Values |
MaxMsgNbr | CPU_INT16U | µC/MQTT-client maximum number of messages. This field is the maximum number of message (for every connection) that will be processed concurrently. That is, if a maximum of 3 messages can be "queued" within the MQTTc stack at any given time, this field should be set to 3. | No default value. MUST be >= 1. |
InactivityTimeout_s | CPU_INT16U | Inactivity timeout for every TCP connection opened by µC/MQTT-client. | No default value. MUST be >= 1. |
TaskDly | CPU_INT32U | µC/MQTT-client Task delay in milliseconds. | Default value: 1ms. MUST be >= 1 |
Task Configuration Structure
A task configuration must be passed to the function MQTTc_Init. The µC/MQTT-client Task configuration structure uses the NET_TASK_CFG
type. The details of this configuration for the MQTT-client stack are presented below. You may refer to the Tasks Configuration page from the TCP-IP stack documentation for more details on the NET_TASK_CFG
const NET_TASK_CFG AMQTTc_TaskCfg = { 8u, /* MQTTc internal task prio. */ 2048, /* MQTTc internal task stack size. */ DEF_NULL, /* Ptr to start of MQTTc internal stack. */ };
MQTTc Task Configuration Fields
Structure Field | Type | Description | Possible Values |
Prio | CPU_INT32U | Priority of the µC/MQTT-client Task. We recommend that the uC/TCP-IP Timer task and network interface Receive task be lower priorities than almost all other application tasks; but we recommend that the network interface Transmit De-allocation task be higher priority then all application tasks that use uC/TCP-IP network services. | MUST be >= 1. |
StkSizeBytes | CPU_INT32U | Size of the stack's task. | MUST be >= 512. |
StkPtr | void* | Memory location where to allocate the stack's task. | Pointer to data table where the stack's task will be allocated is located.