Run-Time Configuration
µC/HTTP-client requires a run-time configuration that must be passed during the initialization. HTTP run-time configuration template files are provided (see Directories and Files). The run-time configuration template file (http-c_cfg.c
should be copied into the application folder and modified as per individual project requirements.
Micriµm provides sample configuration code free of charge; however, most sample code will likely require modifications depending on specific feature requirements and memory limitation.
Configuration Structure
const HTTPc_CFG HTTPc_Cfg = { /* *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TASK CONFIGURATION *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ HTTPc_DFLT_TASK_DLY_MS, /* .TaskDly_ms (HTTPc Task delay in milliseconds) */ HTTPc_DFLT_MSG_Q_SIZE, /* .MsqQ_Size (Message Task Queue size) */ /* *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONNECTION CONFIGURATION *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ HTTPc_DFLT_CONN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS, /* .ConnConnectTimeout_ms (Connect timeout in ms) */ HTTPc_DFLT_CONN_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_S, /* .ConnInactivityTimeout_s (Inactivity timeout in s) */ };
Task Configuration Fields
Structure Field | Type | Description | Possible Values |
TaskDly_ms | CPU_INT08U | µC/HTTP-client Task delay in milliseconds. When the asynchronous task is enabled, the task can be periodically delayed to allow other lower priority tasks to run. | Default value: [ MUST be >= 0 |
MsgQ_Size | CPU_INT08U | Size of the µC/HTTP-client Task Msg Queue. This configuration represent the number of request to task that can be sent simultaneously. In other words, it defines the number of time you can call either a HTTPc_ConnOpen(), HTTPc_ReqSend(), HTTPc_ConnClose() and HTTP_WebSockSend() simultaneously. Note that this apply mostly when those request are done with the non-blocking option. | Default value: [ MUST be >= 1 |
Connection Configuration Fields
Structure Field | Type | Description | Possible Values |
ConnConnectTimeout_ms | CPU_INT16U | Connection Connect Timeout value in milliseconds. Time allocated to perform a connection with the HTTP server. | Default value: [ MUST be >= 1000; <= 10000 |
ConnInactivityTimeout_s | CPU_INT16U | Connection Inactivity Timeout value in seconds. The inactivity timeout is set up to close the connection after a period of inactivity. | Default value: [ MUST be >= 1; <= 255 |
Task Configuration Structure
When the µC/HTTP-client task is enabled (see HTTPc_CFG_MODE_ASYNC_TASK_EN) a task configuration must be passed to the function HTTPc_Init. The µC/HTTP-client Task configuration structure is presented below.
const HTTPc_TASK_CFG HTTPc_TaskCfg = { 15u, /* .Prio (HTTPc task priority) */ 2048, /* .StkSizeBytes (HTTPc task stack size in bytes) */ DEF_NULL, /* .StkPtr (HTTPc task stack pointer) */ };
HTTPc Task Configuration Fields
Structure Field | Type | Description | Possible Values |
Prio | CPU_INT32U | Priority of the µC/HTTP-client Task. We recommend configuring the Network Protocol Stack task priorities & HTTP Client task priority as follows:
We recommend that the uC/TCP-IP Timer task and network interface Receive task be lower priorities than almost all other application tasks; but we recommend that the network interface Transmit De-allocation task be higher priority then all application tasks that use uC/TCP-IP network services. However better performance can be observed when the µC/HTTP-client task is set with the lowest priority. So some experimentation could be required to identify the better task priority configuration. | MUST be >= 1 |
StkSizeBytes | CPU_INT32U | Size of the stack's task. | MUST be >= 512 |
StkPtr | void* | Memory location where to allocate the stack's task. | Pointer to memory segment where the stack's task will be located.