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Function NameDescription
NetIF_Add()Add a network device and hardware as a network interface.
NetIF_AddrHW_Get()Get network interface’s hardware address.
NetIF_AddrHW_IsValid()Validate a network interface hardware address.
NetIF_AddrHW_Set()Set network interface’s hardware address.
NetIF_CfgPerfMonPeriod()Configure the network interface Performance Monitor Handler timeout.
NetIF_CfgPhyLinkPeriod()Configure network interface Physical Link State Handler timeout.
NetIF_GetRxDataAlignPtr()Get an aligned pointer into a receive application data buffer.
NetIF_GetTxDataAlignPtr()Get an aligned pointer into a transmit application data buffer.
NetIF_GetExtAvailCtr()Get number of external interface configured.
NetIF_GetNbrBaseCfgd()Get the base ID of the first external interface.
NetIF_IO_Ctrl()Handle network interface and/or device specific (I/O) control(s).
NetIF_IsEn()Validate network interface as enabled.
NetIF_IsEnCfgd()Validate configured network interface as enabled.
NetIF_ISR_Handler()Handle a network interface’s device interrupts.
NetIF_IsValid()Validate network interface number.
NetIF_IsValidCfgd()Validate configured network interface number.
NetIF_LinkStateGet()Get network interface’s last known physical link state.
NetIF_LinkStateSubscribe()Subscribe to get notified when an interface link state changes.
NetIF_LinkStateUnsubscribe()Unsubscribe to get notified when interface link state changes.
NetIF_LinkStateWaitUntilUp()Wait for a network interface's physical link state to be  UP .
NetIF_MTU_Get()Get network interface’s MTU.
NetIF_MTU_Set()Set network interface’s MTU.
NetIF_Start()Start a network interface.
NetIF_Stop()Stop a network interface.
