Versions Compared


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The following sections provide sample code describing how sockets work.


Although there is a great deal of similarity between the two APIs, the parameters of the two sets of functions differ slightly. The purpose of the following sections is o give developers a first look at Micrium’s functions by providing concrete examples of how to use the API. 

µC/TCPIP Sockets can be accessed and controlled using 3 different APIs set:


BSDNet SockNet AppDescription
socket()NetSock_Open()NetApp_SockOpen()Create a datagram (i.e., UDP) or stream (i.e., TCP) type socket.
bind()NetSock_Bind()NetApp_SockBind()Assign network addresses to sockets.
connect()NetSock_Conn()NetApp_SockConn()Connect a local socket to a remote socket address.
listen()NetSock_Listen()NetApp_SockListen()Set a socket to accept incoming connections.
accept()NetSock_Accept()NetApp_SockAccept()Wait for new socket connections on a listening server socket.
recv() / recvfrom()NetSock_RxData() / NetSock_RxDataFrom()NetApp_SockRx()Copy up to a specified number of bytes received from a remote socket into an application memory buffer.
send() / sendto()NetSock_TxData() / NetSock_TxDataTo()NetApp_SockTx()Copy bytes from an application memory buffer into a socket to send to a remote socket.
close()NetSock_Close()NetApp_SockClose()Terminate communication and free a socket.
select()NetSock_Sel()N/ACheck if any sockets are ready for available read or write operations or error conditions.
Abort a select (i.e. unblock task(s) waiting on socket(s) using the select)


BSDµC/TCPIP FunctionsDescription


Convert 32-bit integer values from network-order to CPU host-order.
htons()NET_UTIL_HOST_TO_NET_16()Convert 16-bit integer values from network-order to CPU host-order.
ntohl()NET_UTIL_NET_TO_HOST_32()Convert 32-bit integer values from network-order to CPU host-order.
ntohs()NET_UTIL_NET_TO_HOST_16()Convert 16-bit integer values from network-order to CPU host-order.
inet_addr()NetASCII_Str_to_IPv4()Convert a string of an IPv4 address in dotted-decimal notation to an IPv4 address in host-order.
inet_aton()NetASCII_Str_to_IPv4()Convert an IPv4 address in ASCII dotted-decimal notation to a network protocol IPv4 address in network-order.
inet_ntoa()NetASCII_IPv4_to_Str() Convert an IPv4 address in host-order into an IPv4 dotted-decimal notation ASCII string.


It is possible to configure many options on a socket, with the followings function you could configure majority of socket's option but some other option can be accessed using some specific API, please refer to Socket Options section. 

BSDNet SockDescription
getsockopt()NetSock_OptGet()Get a specific option value on a specific socket.
setsockopt()NetSock_OptSet()Set a specific option value on a specific socket.


The following functions should be used when select() is used. It helps to configure and read descriptors to a select() calls.

BSDNet SockDescription
FD_CLR()NET_SOCK_DESC_CLR() Remove a socket file descriptor ID as a member of a file descriptor set.
FD_ISSET()NET_SOCK_DESC_IS_SET()Check if a socket file descriptor ID is a member of a file descriptor set.
FD_SET()NET_SOCK_DESC_SET() Add a socket file descriptor ID as a member of a file descriptor set. 
FD_ZERO()NET_SOCK_DESC_INIT() Initialize/zero-clear a file descriptor set.


Here is a list of other APIs functions that can help in certain condition:

NetApp_SetSockAddr()Setup a socket address from an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.
NetApp_ClientStreamOpen()Open a stream socket for a client using an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
NetApp_ClientStreamOpenByHostname()Open a stream socket for a client using a hostname (resolve the hostname using µC/DNSc + Autoselect remote address)
NetApp_TimeDly_ms()Delay for specified time, in milliseconds.
NetSock_GetConnTransportID()Gets a socket’s transport layer connection handle ID (e.g., TCP connection ID) if available.
NetSock_IsConn()Check if a socket is connected to a remote socket.
NetSock_PoolStatResetMaxUsed()Reset Network Sockets’ statistics pool’s maximum number of entries used.


Socket Error Codes

When socket functions return error codes, the error codes should be inspected to determine if the error is a temporary, non-fault condition (such as no data to receive) or fatal (such as the socket has been closed).




Whenever any of the following fatal error codes are returned by any µC/TCP-IP socket function, that socket must not be accessed by any other socket functions but must also not be closed()’d:


Socket Error Code List

All the possible error codes returned by the µC/TCP-IP stack are defined in net_err.h. Please refer to net_err.h for more details on any specific error code.