Copy the files from the uC-FTPs configuration folder into your application as illustrated in Figure - Copying Template Files.
is a configuration file used to setup µC/FTPs module static parameters and features such as path length, ports and so on. Refer to section Module Configuration for more details on all the configurations inside ftp-s_cfg.h
Adding µC/FTPs application function
Before running the sample application, you will need to add the new function call, in your application file to initialize and setup the µC/FTPs module. Section Sample Application gives an example of how to initialize µC/FTPs and start a FTP server instance.
This code example will need to be modified in accordance with your project.
Adding Additional includes
#include <Source/ftp-s.h>
#include <FS/uC-FS-V4/net_fs_v4.h> (optional if uC/FS is used)