NetDev_Stop() (Ethernet)

The next function within the device API structure is the device Stop() function. This function is called once each time an interface is stopped.


Every device driver’s net_dev.c


          static void NetDev_Stop (NET_IF  *pif,
                                   NET_ERR *perr);

Note that since every device driver’s Stop() function is accessed only by function pointer via the device driver’s API structure, it doesn’t need to be globally available and should therefore be declared as ‘static’.



Pointer to the interface to start a network device.


Pointer to variable that will receive the return error code from this function.

Returned Value


Required Configuration


Notes / Warnings

The Stop() function must perform the following operations:

  1. Disable the receiver and transmitter.
  2. Disable all local MAC interrupt sources.
  3. Clear all local MAC interrupt status flags.
  4. For DMA devices, re-initialize all receive descriptors.
  5. For DMA devices, free all transmit descriptors by calling NetOS_IF_DeallocTaskPost() with the address of the transmit descriptor data areas.
  6. For DMA devices, re-initialize all transmit descriptors.
  7. Set perr to NET_DEV_ERR_NONE if no error occurs. Otherwise, set perr to an appropriate network device error code.