Building and Running Sample Application

This section describes all the steps required to build a SMTPc-based application. The instructions provided in this section are not intended for any particular toolchain, but instead are described in a generic way that can be adapted to any toolchain.

The best way to start building a SMTPc-based project is to start from an existing µC/TCP-IP project. 

Working project with µC/TCP-IP

The first step before including the µC/SMTPc is to have a working project with the µC/TCP-IP. As previously mentioned, Micriµm may offer starting example with µC/OS-III kernels and µC/TCP-IP and even with µC/SMTPc for many evaluation boards. 

If no project that include µC/TCP-IP is available, you should follow the µC/TCP-IP - Getting Started Guide to start with a working TCP/IP  project before starting integrating µC/SMTPc. Then you can follow the following steps to build and run your first µC/SMTPc sample application.

Including Additional Modules to the Project

Once you have a working project with your RTOS and µC/TCP-IP additional modules are needed by the Micriµm SMTP client that are not necessarily already included in your project. Therefore, be sure to add µC/CPU and µC/LIB to your project.  

Refer to the following manuals for further information about MIcrium modules:.

µC/TCP-IP Documentation

µC/OS-II Documentation

µC/OS-III Documentation


µC/CPU Documentation

Optional module

µC/SMTPc comes with a set of command that can be executed from a shell command line tool. If you want to use it you have to include µC/Shell to your project:

 µC/Shell Documentation

Also, it is possible to the µC/SMTPc to resolve servers address with a DNS client such as µC/DNSc. If you want to use it you have to include µC/DNSc to your project


Including µC/SMTPc Source Code

Include the following files in your project tree from the µC/SMTPc source code distribution, as indicated in Figure - µC/SMTPc Source Code.


As indicated in the Figure - µC/SMTPc Source Code, all the files in the Source folder must be added to your project tree. File under the folder Cmd can be added if µC/Shell is already included in your project.

Compiler settings

Finally, add the following include paths to your project’s C compiler settings:

\Micrium\Software\uC-Shell (optional if uC/Shell is used)
\Micrium\Software\uC-DNSc (optional if uC/DNSc is used)

Copying and Modifying Template Files

Copy the files from the uC/SMTPc configuration folder into your application as illustrated in Figure - Copying Template Files.

smtp-c_cfg.h define µC/SMTPc module static parameters. Refer to section Module Configuration for more details on all the configurations inside templates files.