Before using the uC/OS BSP it must first be added to the Xilinx SDK development environment. The downloaded archive must be extracted to a suitable location. Once registered the location of Micrium files should not be changed, otherwise the repository will have to be registered again.
A repository can be installed globally or locally, When installed globally it will be available across all workspace without having to register the BSP in each workspace. However, to prevent conflicting with other BSPs it is recommended to install the Micrium BSP only in the required workspaces.
It's possible to install more than one version of the repository in the same workspace. However Micrium does not support "mix and matching" components and drivers between repository versions.
Installation instructions
1. Open the repository add dialog from the Xilinx Tools->Repositories menu
2. Click New next to the "Local Repositories" section
3. Browse to the repository location and click Ok
4. Verify installation
To verify that the repository is correctly registered you can try to generate a BSP with the File->New Board Support Package.The "ucos" BSP should be available in the list of supported BSPs.