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Table of Contents


Before running your first application, you must ensure that you have the minimal set of required tools and components:

  • Toolchain for your specific microcontroller.
  • Development board.Source code
  • for µC/HTTPsµC/TCP-IP stack must be installed properly (a running project). See Installing for further detail about how to install µC/TCP-IP.
  • Source code for all the other Micriµm modules required by µC/HTTPs (see section Installing µC/HTTPs)
  • Board support package (BSP) for your development board.*
  • A running project for your selected RTOSµC/HTTP-server.

Additional Modules

µC/HTTPs depends HTTP-server depends on other modules to run. First, it needs the presence of a RTOS. Furthermore, µC/CPU, µC/LIB, µC/Common and the TCP-IP modules µC/TCP-IP are IP modules are required.

If you are using one of the two Micriµm OS RTOS, complete documentation can be found here for found for µC/OS-II and here for µ/COS and µC/OS-III. Refer to those guides for more information on the requirements, installation, configuration and running of those RTOS.

The µC/CPU module regroups the processor's hardware-dependent code. µC/CPU includes many ports for all the different CPU architectures Micriµm supports. You must therefore used the port corresponding to your specific CPU. The complete µC/CPU documentation can be found here

The µC/LIB module is the Micriµm run-time library, implementing the most common standard library functions, macros, and constants. The complete µC/LIB documentation can be found here.

The µCThe µC/TCP-IP stack is a compact, reliable, high-performance TCP/IP protocol stack which provide the socket to the HTTP application layer. The complete µC/TCP-IP  documentation can be found here.The

µC/Common repository comprises multiple modules required by the µC/TCP-IP stack. Among others,  the KAL module is included. KAL stands for Kernel-Abstraction Layer. It is used by µC/TCP-IP stack and other Micriµm products to interacts with the RTOS by specifying a set of generic API functions. KAL comes with the µC/OS-II and µC/OS-III ports. The complete KAL documentation can be found here regroups modules use commonly by all the Micriµm products. It must therefore also be include in your project.


Downloading the Source Code
Downloading the source code

µC/HTTPs can be downloaded from the Micrium customer portal as all the other required modules. The distribution package includes the full source code and documentation. 

You can log into the Micrium customer portal at the address below to begin your download (you must have a valid license to gain access to the file):

Downloading the source code

The source code is available as open-source on Github:

Installing the Files
Installing the Files
Installing the Files

Once all the distribution packages have been downloaded to your host machine, extract all the files at the root of your C:\ drive for instance. The package may be extracted to any location. After extracting all the files, the directory structure should look as illustrated in Installing Figure - Directory Tree for µC/HTTPsHTTP-server. In the example, all Micriµm products sub-folders shown in  Installing in Figure - Directory Tree for µC/HTTPsHTTP-server will be located in C:\Micrium\Software\. The Micriµm µC/OS-III RTOS has been chosen for this example.




The following are the steps to follow to include µC/HTTPs into your project:


  • The http-s_cfg.h file
  • or the http-s_instance_secure.c/.h files

The first file includes preprocessor’s macros related to the configuration of the HTTP server suite. Please refer to µC/HTTPs Module Configuration for a detailed explanation of each configuration variables.

The http-s_instance_cfg.c/.h pair of files, defines the configuration structure for an HTTP server’s instance (see µC/HTTPs Instance Configuration for more details). If your application requires a secured HTTP server instance, the http-s_instance_secure_cfg.c/.h pair of files should be used as template instead.

The configuration files includes with µC/HTTPs are templates and must be modified according to your application specific needs and constrains.


The OS port’s files must also be added to your project. The ports for uC/OS-II and uC/OS-III are located inside the /Micrium/Software/uC-HTTPs/OS folder.


If a conventional file system is used, the port should be located also inside the uC-TCPIP/FS folder. A port for the µC/FS-V4 file system is already included in this folder. If a file system other than µC/FS is used, a port template is available inside the uC-TCPIP/FS/Template folder to be customize according to your file system.

If the Static file system is used, the port for this file system is located inside uC/HTTPs. Therefore, the source files http-s_fs_static.c/.h must be include to your project. They are located inside the Micrium/Software/uC-HTTPs/FS/Static folder. Furthermore, The configuration file template http-s_fs_static_cfg.h must be copied in your application directory. This configuration file can be retrieve inside the Micrium/Software/uC-HTTPs/FS/Static/Cfg/Template folder.





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