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Used when a task wants exclusive access to a resource, needs to synchronize its activities with an ISR or task, or is waiting until an event occurs.

When the semaphore is used for resource sharing, if a task calls OSSemPend() and the value of the semaphore is greater than 0, OSSemPend() decrements the semaphore and returns to its caller. However, if the value of the semaphore is 0, OSSemPend() places the calling task in the waiting list for the semaphore. The task waits until the owner of the semaphore (which is always a task in this case) releases the semaphore by calling OSSemPost(), or the specified timeout expires. If the semaphore is signaled before the timeout expires, µC/OS-III resumes the highest-priority task waiting for the semaphore.

When the semaphore is used as a signaling mechanism, the calling task waits until a task or an ISR signals the semaphore by calling OSSemPost(), or the specified timeout expires. If the semaphore is signaled before the timeout expires, µC/OS-III resumes the highest-priority task waiting for the semaphore.

A pended task that has been suspended with OSTaskSuspend() can obtain the semaphore. However, the task remains suspended until it is resumed by calling OSTaskResume().

OSSemPend() also returns if the pend is aborted or, the semaphore is deleted.




Code Block
OS_SEM_CTR  OSSemPend (OS_SEM   *p_sem,
                       OS_TICK   timeout,
                       OS_OPT    opt,
                       CPU_TS   *p_ts,
                       OS_ERR   *p_err)



is a pointer to the semaphore.


If OS_CFG_ARG_CHK_EN is set to 1 in DEF_ENABLED in os_cfg.h: if p_sem is a NULL pointer.


If OS_CFG_OBJ_TYPE_CHK_EN is set to 1 in DEF_ENABLED in os_cfg.h: if p_sem is not pointing to a semaphore.


If OS_CFG_ARG_CHK_EN is set to 1 in DEF_ENABLED in os_cfg.h: if opt is not OS_OPT_PEND_NON_BLOCKING or OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING.


If OS_CFG_INVALID_OS_CALLS_CHK_EN is set to DEF_ENABLED in os_cfg.h: if µC/OS-III is not running yet.


if the pend was aborted


If OS_CFG_CALLED_FROM_ISR_CHK_EN set to 1 in DEF_ENABLED in os_cfg.h: if this function is called from an ISR.


If calling this function when the scheduler is locked.


If the pend status has an invalid value.


If the semaphore is not signaled within the specified timeout.

Returned Value

The new value of the semaphore count.

Required Configuration

OS_CFG_SEM_EN must be enabled in os_cfg.h. Refer to uCµC-OS-III Configuration Manual.




  1. Semaphores must be created before they are used.

Example Usage

Code Block
titleOSSemPend() example usage
          OS_SEM  SwSem;
          void DispTask (void *p_arg)
              OS_ERR      err;
              CPU_TS      ts;
              OS_SEM_CTR  ctr;
              while (DEF_ON) {
                  ctr = OSSemPend(&SwSem,
                  /* Check "err" */