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OS_SEM_CTR  OSTaskSemPend (OS_TICK   timeout,
                           OS_OPT    opt,
                           CPU_TS   *p_ts,
                           OS_ERR   *p_err)


Called from

Code enabled by


Task only

Always enabled



OSTaskSemPend() allows a task to wait for a signal to be sent by another task or ISR without going through an intermediate object such as a semaphore. If the task was previously signaled when when OSTaskSemPend() is  is called then, the caller resumes.

If no signal was received by the task and and OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING is  is specified for the the opt argument argument, OSTaskSemPend() suspends  suspends the current task until either a signal is received, or a user-specified timeout expires. A pended task suspended with with OSTaskSuspend() can  can receive signals. However, the task remains suspended until it is resumed by calling calling OSTaskResume().

If no signals were sent to the task and and OS_OPT_PEND_NON_BLOCKING was  was specified for the the opt argument argument, OSTaskSemPend() returns  returns to the caller with an appropriate error code and returns a signal count of 0.of 0.




Code Block
OS_SEM_CTR  OSTaskSemPend (OS_TICK   timeout,
                           OS_OPT    opt,
                           CPU_TS   *p_ts,
                           OS_ERR   *p_err)



allows the task to resume execution if a signal is not received from a task or an ISR within the specified number of clock ticks. A timeout value of 0 indicates that the task wants to wait forever for a signal. The timeout value is not synchronized with the clock tick. The timeout count starts decrementing on the next clock tick, which could potentially occur immediately.



If a signal is received.


If OS_CFG_ARG_CHK_EN is set to DEF_ENABLED in os_cfg.h: if a valid option is not specified.


If OS_CFG_INVALID_OS_CALLS_CHK_EN is set to DEF_ENABLED in os_cfg.h: if µC/OS-III is not running yet.


If the pend was aborted because another task called OSTaskSemPendAbort().


If OS_CFG_CALLED_FROM_ISR_CHK_EN set to 1 in DEF_ENABLED in os_cfg.h: if calling this function from an ISR.


If calling this function when the scheduler is locked and the user wanted the task to block.


If the pend status has an invalid value.


If a signal is not received within the specified timeout.


The current value of the signal counter after it has been decremented. In other words, the number of signals still remaining in the signal counter.

Required Configuration

Always enabled.




  1. Do not call OSTaskSemPend() from an ISR.

Example Usage

Code Block
titleOSTaskSemPend() example usage
          void CommTask(void *p_arg)
              OS_ERR      err;
              OS_SEM_CTR  ctr;
              CPU_TS      ts;
              while (DEF_ON) {
                  ctr = OSTaskSemPend(100,
                  /* Check "err" */